"Prince of the forest" this book is mainly about a human infant lying in the cave, he squeezed in the middle of the wolf, is not a bit afraid of. Cave, cannibal Hoo Hill Khan bellowed in rage, want to kill the baby. But in the maintenance of the wolf mother survived. Although in the forest he repeatedly into the woods, but also made many animal friends. Though he had enemies -- the cannibal Hoo Hill Khan. The Wolves under the help of Mogli killed the man eating tigers and live in the forest. This story tells us human and animal no opposition, on the contrary the existence of human animal's help, we should protect the animal, and animal harmony get along.
an experience of doing60字英语作文
From my experience,I will tell you to do some housework can make you confident and happy.I think it is our duty to do some housework.To do housework can train us to do something by ourselves.This is very important and necessary in the future.
To do the housework not only can improve our ability to live independently but also grow a sense of responsibility.We can get lots of experience from it so that we can do well in the future.To do the housework is not a waste of time.It will give you a lot of advantages.
It is our duty to do the housework.If you have time,please do the housework.It can make you confident and happy.
两篇外国名著英语读后感要英语原文 300左右
Shakspere (wrong spelling) created Hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage .In order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretented (spelling mistake) to be mad and suffered a series of misery. On the contrary, we can also say that Hamlet is rude and selfish for he did not think twice before his revenge . if (Capitalize "If" since it is the beginning word of the sentence.) a country has no king, how can a country keep alive (You need a question mark here since it is a question.) So, every thing has two sides, the bright side and adumbral side. Every time we make a decision we have to think twice.
Be careful with your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Too many uncessary mistakes.
It is good that you looked at both the dark and bright sides of Hamlet. Thats quite objective and convincing.
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