[《董存瑞的故事》读后感]《董存瑞的故事》读后感 这两天我看了《董存瑞的故事》这本书,令我非常感动。故事写了年仅19岁的董存瑞在解放隆化的战役中和战友们,接连炸毁敌人的碉堡群。这时,总攻冲锋号已...+阅读
the old man and the sea is one of hemingways most enduring works and may very well bee one of the true classics of this generation. it played a great part in his winning the pulizer prize in 1953 and the 1954 novel prize for literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. hemingway is also one of my forite writers. besides the old man and the sea, i he read some of his other works, such as the sun also rises, a farewell to arms and the snow of kilimanijaro. but the old man and the sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me. i first read this book when i was in my fifteens. and now i remember it just as well as if i had read it yesterday. pride and prejudice is a chefdoeuvre.my first impression of this story was from screen. its long long ago, maybe before i can read english books. i dont remember which movie edition i had seen. but i was impressed by the music, the scenery and the costume. i was very for of a section of music in its balls. its pretty brisk, liked a wonderful song of a bird. regarding to the characters, i liked elizabeth, the heroine,though i didnt think shes beautiful. but shes smart. however, i didnt pay much attention to the plot. i thought its so long that it made me impatient and bored. by now, i hent read the whole story in english or its chinese version, either. i owe it to my prejudice. in fact, i didnt understand the story at that time. i didnt know why it called pride and prejudice. of course someone was pride, but i didnt find where s the prejudice. i thought its normal, the way people treated each other in that. i considered prejudice would be very disgusting. but to the movie everthing was ok in my minds, except its length. now, i think i he understood more about it. im a prejudiced person so i cant find wheres wrong. i merely like to do the things i like. everytime i meet somebody or something,my thinking about he or it all depends on my foregone experience and my mood of the time.
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