

11月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[学生作文批改分类评语]下面,小编将从字迹、语句、题目方面为你详解学生作文批改分类评语 字 迹 1 本子清秀、整洁,犹如海滨小城的街道一样,找不到一点脏端端正正的字迹,让人看了真舒服你的字像印的一...+阅读


You are a study to make improvements, helpfulness of the child. As a class cadres, are you able to high standards and strict requirements to ask the students themselves and are worthy of being called a model for the students. In learning, you could do a meticulous ground thinking more drilling, has made gratifying achievements. Keep up the good work, I hope you bee the best students to the new era!


As a class cadre of you, a serious and responsible work, teachers are grateful to you for reducing the burden on teachers. Your ambitions are, I think you already realize the where there, things bee truth. You he a broader knowledge. I hope you he been outstanding in the next semester even more strict demands on themselves, for all-round progress!


You are a pleasing child. You love learning, usually there are always hard to see you seriously figure. Your job seriously, in order to reduce the burden on teachers. This semester, you are through their own efforts, and achieved gratifying results. I hope that you learn in the future life, dare say, the courage to express their own opinion, that the new century is the most outstanding students.



Enthusiasm and generosity of you, class of expression is so focused, so the question is positive, bold. However, reading the language need to be strengthened. If you can carry forward its own merits, and give full play to their potential, you will bee a Pan-yong of the strong academic peak. Teachers look forwarrd to your arrival day!


You are a lovely quiet girl. Has always been honest and kind-hearted concern for your fellow students know how to go quietly to work for the class. So I am proud of the students. Motivated you to learn to consciously take the initiative, a certain degree of progress achieved. In the new year, you must be the performance of the new, right? Refueling Oh!



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高中学生期末评语大全一邵帅: “人非圣贤,孰能无过?”活泼好动的你常在不经意间犯下这样那样的小错误,所幸的是你总能虚心接受老师的意见并及时改正。对待学习,你的态度也比以前大有进步,能及时完成各科...

