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[职场中的细节隐藏机会]《细节隐藏机会》是关于夏路列公司的试衣室的故事,这是一个率先把试衣室设到顾客自己家中的公司。 日本的夏路列公司是一家生产内衣的公司,设在神户中央区港岛时装街,在20世纪8...+阅读


Employee recognition especially in a down economy can be an effective and inexpensive morale-booster. 对雇员的赞赏尤其是在下滑的经济条件下可以成为一种有效而廉价的士气助推器。


The human desire for recognition starts early. Watch a third-grader beam at the gold star on a spelling paper, or a high-schooler triumphantly1 clutch a sports trophy2。

In the workplace, that recognition takes many forms. Sometimes its a quiet thank you, other times a bonus or a public award. Either way, it is a gesture that employers ignore at their peril3。

So important is recognition that employee-appreciation programs are turning into a veritable industry, with national and even international anizations helping firms reward workers for a job well done。

panies spend more than $1 billion annually on employee service awards, according to★ the Promotional Products Association International4. Dozens of firms, large and small, even employ a manager to handle corporate recognition. At Cargill Inc., the title is chief recognition officer. At Intel, it is corporate recognition manager. Business books feature titles such as Hug Your People and The Power of Appreciation in Business.

If everyone was treated with respect and courtesy5 from the beginning, we wouldnt need this industry, says Christi Gibson, executive director of Recognition Professionals International in Naperville, Ill. She notes that in a survey of 10,000 employees from Fortune 1,000 panies, a lack of recognition was a major reason for leing a job。

Roy Saunderson, president of the Recognition Management Institute in London, Ontario, finds impersonalization in the workplace. Managers are walking by and not acknowledging employees or saying their name, he says。

Determined not to fit in that category, Dion McInnis takes what he calls a morning walkaround through his department at the University of Houston-Clear Lake. It gives him an opportunity to visit briefly with each person, offering anything from a simple hello to a question about work to a chat about what is going on in their lives. It reminds them that I appreciate who they are, says Mr. McInnis, an associate vice president handling fundraising and relationship-building。

In addition to his daily walkaround, McInnis takes his staff to a nearby ice cream shop several times a year. On annual reviews, he states his appreciation for each persons work. He also uses meetings and e-mails to offer personalized thank-yous。

According to WorldatWork6, three-quarters of US panies give tangible rewards such as certificates and plaques, 60 percent give cash, and half give gift certificates。

Some recent examples:

At a medical practice in Austin, Texas, gestures of thanks include quarterly panywide activities such as bowling night or a night at the ball park。

The entire staff at MMI Associates, a marketing firm in Raleigh, N.C., spent a recent weekend at a local spa。

Last month at Dean College in Franklin, Mass., senior managers surprised the staff with a visit from a local ice cream vendor to thank them for their hard work during a student orientation session. The school also has a formal recognition program, along with employee awards。

Yet deciding how to honor individual workers can be challenging. There are now four generations in the workforce, ranging from the silent generation of World War II to Millennials7 in their 20s。

Recognizing everyone in the same way is not going to work, Ms. Gibson says. Some people love to be recognized in an awards gala in front of the whole pany. If you did that to someone who doesnt like to be in front of a crowd, that would be worse than firing them. To oid jealousy among workers, panies must give awards on the basis of specific behiors and achievements. It cant be a popularity contest, she says。

Baby boomers like to be pampered. As they retire, Gibson says, Employers he to start thinking of how theyre going to recognize them.

Managers sometimes plain that Millennials need immediate reinforcement. Its a generation that grew up being lished8 with praise from Mom and Dad, and some he the same kind of expectation at work, Mr. Saunderson says. They want to hear praise on a more frequent basis.

Whatever the generation, gratitude has a powerful effect. Its really an ego booster when our employer takes the time to praise us with a simple Attaboy9 or Your work is great, says Josh Bunch, assistant creative director at Brainstorm Marketing in Des Moines, Iowa. Other rewards at the firm include movie tickets, a paid day off on a birthday, and a trip to Kansas City in appreciation for a project。

Whether recognition is formal or informal, it must be aligned with an anizations culture and values its mission and vision, Saunderson says。

Sometimes people get caught up in thinking that recognition has to be things, he says. It can be. But it can be just respecting people, looking at what their ambitions and career aspirations10 are, and understanding their personal and family lives.

A year ago, Saundersons son had a car accident. My boss said, Roy, dont even think about work. To he that kind of support meant the world to me. In an indirect way, that was recognition.

Making employees feel valued also increases productivity and profitability, Gibson says. Satisfied workers produce satisfied customers and a stronger bottom line. That also reduces costly turnover。

Noting the power of appreciation and praise, Michal Ann Strahilevitz, a marketing professor at Golden Gate University in San Francisco, says, Taking the time out to say great job does not cost anything but a few moments of ones time. So many managers go out of their way to let employees know what they are doing wrong. Yet appreciation most definitely affects morale11. In a down economy, praise is a great tool for improving morale without spending a fortune.








下决心不发生此类情况,狄翁麦金尼斯每天都坚持在休斯顿克利尔莱克大学他主管的部门里 晨巡。这给他提供了短暂看望每一位员工的机会,从简单问候到工作情况的问询以及有关生活状况的闲聊。负责募资及公关的助理副总裁麦金尼斯先生说:这提醒他们我很赏识他们。


















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