

11月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[面试中离职原因该如何描述]你可否描述一下你分开之前所供职单位的启事?这类问题在面试经常常会被问及,雇用单位能从中取得很多关于你的信息。是以,在答复这个问题时应当集中精力。 上司出缺点。既然是在...+阅读

Leing a job is often upsetting, whether you were fired or finally decided to quit. You may he trouble remembering to do the right thing. Here are five things you should oid doing。


1. Don't tell off your boss and co-workers, even if you think they deserve it。


When you lee your job, your emotions may be running high, especially if you are leing on bad terms. You may want to tell your boss or co-workers what you really think of them. Don't do it, even if they truly deserve it. You never know who you will meet down the road and who you may he to work with one day。


2. Don't damage pany property or steal something。


You may feel you were mistreated by your employer and you may be really angry. However, vandalismand theft are criminal offenses. Not only will your professional repution be damaged by your actions, you could end up in jail。


3. Don't fet to ask for a reference。


This may sound like an odd thing to consider if you are leing your job on unforable terms. However, you will he to include this job on your resume, so you should try to make sure you get either a good or, at least, a neutral reference. If you've been fired because of some horrible offense, this may be a moot point. However if your parting is due to something less serious, you may be able to ask your boss for a reference, in spite of the fact that things didn't work out as expected.


4. Don't badmouth your employer or any of your co-workers to your replacement。


First of all, it will only look like sour grapes, so there's nothing to gain here. Second, your successor will figure things out for himself or herself. Third, it may he been bad chemistry, and your co-worker will he a totally different experience than you did。


The only person who this will make look bad is you. Your prospective boss will wonder what caused your relationship with your prior employer to sour and will suspect that you could he been at fault。




如何在面试中描述离职原因你能否描述一下你离开以前所供职单位的原因?这类问题在面试时经常会被问及,招聘单位能从中获得很多关于你的信息。因此,在回答这个问题时应该集中精力。 像大锅饭阻碍了发挥、...

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