

11月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[德国失业者须做“1欧元”工作]Jobless workers in Germany are now required to accept jobs paying just 1 euro an hour. Those include jobs such as sweeping the streets, planting trees and remov...+阅读

Out of work for months? Prevent your professional skills from atrophying by taking steps to brush up.


In July, five million people in the U.S. were considered long-term unemployed -- meaning they had been jobless for 27 weeks or more. Career counselors say that as weeks turn into months, job-hunters need to polish and their skills to stay current. They should look for ways to work while they do so, and oid spending lots of money. ’You want to get the biggest bang for your buck,’ says J.T. O’Donnell, a career coach in North Hampton, N.H.

7月份,美国有500万人被视为长期失业,这意味着他们失业已经27周甚至更久。职业顾问说,随着从失业数周变成失业数月,找工作的人需要不断完善更新自己的技能,以免落伍。他们应该在自我提高的同时想办法建立关系,还要避免花很多的钱。新罕布什尔州职业教练奥唐纳(J.T. O’Donnell)说,你要少花钱,多办事。

Here are some strategies:


-- Stay connected to industry associations. Check out your membership rights with trade groups or unions.


-- Hit conferences. Attend industry or professional conferences by checking out association Web sites and groups on social media sites like .


-- Join local interest groups. Local anizations like the chamber of merce provide good working opportunities and sometimes offer skills classes. Offer to help run the program mittee, which sets the agenda for speakers and events. You’ll get a say in who is invited and work with guests.



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