

11月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Everyone makes mistakes. Usually you can correct your error or just fet about it and move on. Making a mistake at work, however, can be more serious. It may cause problems for your employer and even affect the pany's bottom line. Repercussions will ultimately trickle down to you.


Simply correcting your mistake and moving on may not be an option. When you make a mistake at work your career may depend on what you do next.


Admit Your Mistake 承认错误

Tell your boss about your mistake immediately. The only exception is if you make an insignificant error that will not affect anyone. Otherwise, don't try to hide your mistake. You will look terrible if someone else discovers it.


Present Your Boss With a Plan To Fix Your Mistake 带着能弥补错误的计划去见老板

When you go to your boss to confess your mistake, you must he a plan for correcting it. Present your plan clearly. Tell your boss how long it will take to implement your plan and if there are any costs involved.


Don't Blame Anyone Else for Your Mistake 不要因为你的错误责怪任何人

Pointing fingers won't help anyone if you make a mistake. Encourage those who may share responsibility to follow your lead in confessing to your boss.




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