[现场笔试三大应对绝招]绝招一: 快速搞定数字推理 数字推理题经常不能在正常时间内完成,考试时也要抱着先易后难的态度。下面提供此类题目中的几条常见规律,供大家参考。 1.中间数等于两边数的乘积,这...+阅读
The interview is undoubtedly the most important part of your job search. Your work and your resume may help you get your foot in the door, but you've got to ace the interview to get the job. What happens, though, if your interviewer is -- gulp! -- mean or abrasive?面试无疑是找工作中最重要的部分。网络和简历是工作的敲门砖,但是要得到这份工作,你还需要在面试中表现出色。但是如果面试官很刁难怎么办呢?Read on for advice from job-search experts and learn how to se the day -- and when you should walk away。读读以下专家的意见----怎样转危为安?何时该明智的选择离开?1. Remain calm. Job-search mentor Roberta Chinsky Matuson of Human Resource Solutions suggests, Take a moment to pose yourself. Then simply answer the question using a calm tone. Eventually the person will stop being so hostile, particularly if you are responding in a way that is not giving them any fuel for their fire.保持冷静。人力资源解决方案公司求职顾问Chinsky Matuson说:先调整一下自己的情绪,然后用冷静的语气简单的回答他的提问。 特别是如果你的回答让面试官无从刁难的话,他最终就不会再对你有敌意了。
2. Watch what you say. Do not let an interviewer's tone push you over a ledge to potentially say things that you may later regret. Remember that business works of people are wide and expansive, and your negative response or behior in an interview could he lasting repercussions in wider circles, says Justin C. Honaman, a strategic business process and technology professional。注意你说的话。Justin C. Honaman精通业务流程和专业技术,他建议说:不要因为面试官的语调,而说出一些自己可能会后悔的话。记住,职业人士的社交关系网广泛而富有不断变化的可能性,你在面试中的不良表现可能会在更大的职业圈内给你带来持续的坏影响。 3. Remain confident. Stephen R. Balzac, president of 7 Steps Ahead, an anizational development firm, says, The more confident you are, the easier it is to operate on the assumption that you're not dealing with malice. That gives you the room to ask the interviewer if there's something wrong or if this isn't a good time. Frequently, what es off as hostility is due to something else entirely: The interviewer may be distracted, upset about something else, he a tight deadline, etc. In one case, an interviewer's young son was extremely ill and when offered a chance to reschedule, he jumped at it.保持自信。Stephen R. Balzac,在一家组织与发展公司的工作。他说:你越自信的话,将面试官的敌意当着空气处理起来就越简单。这样,你可以心平气和的问面试官是不是哪里出错了,还是现在面试的时机不恰当。面试官的敌意经常可能是一些与面试完全无关的事情造成的:可能他心情很差,为什么事情而难受,或者工作交期催得很急等等。比如有一次,一位面试官的儿子得了重病,如果你和他重新约下一次面试的话,他会马上同意的。
4. Get to know your interviewer. If a vein is popping out of your potential new employer's head, ask questions directly related to the interviewer, such as, 'How long he you been with the pany? What role did you he when you started? Tell me the story of working your way up,' says career consultant Angela Lussier of 365 Degrees Consulting. If you get her talking about herself, you can quickly turn her lion's roar into a kitten's meow.主动去了解你的面试官。当你的潜在雇主开始不耐烦的时候,问一些和他有直接关联的事情,如:您在公司工作几年了?刚开始的时候您从事什么职位呢?可以告诉我您在工作中的处事方式吗?365咨询公司的职业顾问Angela Lussier如此建议。他还说:如果你可以让你的潜在雇主开始谈自己的事情,那她马上会从一个发怒的母老虎变成一个温顺的小猫咪。5. Address the issue. The best thing someone can do when faced with a hostile interviewer is pause and ask if he/she has done/said something to upset or irritate the person conducting the interview. Usually, people don't realize that they are ing across in such an off-putting way, and they quickly adjust when the issue is raised, but gently, suggests Donna Flagg, workplace expert and founder of The Krysalis Group, a business and management consulting firm。解决争端。Donna Flagg是一位职场专家,他创办了一家名为Krysalis Group的职业和管理咨询公司。他说:当你面对一位有敌意的面试官时,最好的方法就是停下来,问问他/她,是不是你在面试中说了什么让他生气的话冒犯到他了?很多时候,人们并没有认识到自己正在说的话(做的事情)会让人不愉快。当他们意识到以后,就会马上不着痕迹的调整过来。
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