
Negotiations over purchase of St. Sebastian school to contin

11月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

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By HILLARY FEDERICO, Press StaffMIDDLETOWN Negotiations over the purchase of St. Sebastian School will remain ongoing according to a vote Monday by the Economic Development mission.

The motion, made by Councilman Joseph Bibisi and seconded by Councilman Robert Santangelo, asks for the Planning Department to revise an existing resolution before Mondays mon Council meeting. The mission, as a whole, agreed that an outside assessment of the building must be done before moving forward with the purchase of the school.

Currently, the plan calls for the location of the current senior center, at 150 William St., to St. Sebastian School.

Last week, the Public Works mittee voted to move forward with negotiations but with conditions. missioners asked that the safety of the school specifically the existing lead and asbestos levels be identified, as well as potential grant sources to fund the project.

Director of Planning, Conservation and Development Bill Warner plied. Armed with an extensive 18-page packet, Warner addressed each concern in a well researched fashion.

In records obtained from the Fire Marshalls office, Warner located a form indicating the installation of a new oil tank in 1986 by the city. The Fire Marshalls records also indicate the tank was removed in 2007 and a new tank was installed. The soil beneath the tank was tested that same year and the CT Environmental Testing Center found no issues, Warner said.

On Oct. 22, 2010, we walked through the building with a CT licensed lead and asbestos inspector and the citys Chief Building Inspector. Based the the inspection it appears that the majority of asbestos has been abated. The wrap around the pipes and boiler has been replaced with fiberglass wrapping, we did not locate any 9 by 9 tiles, the windows are less than 20 years old and in very good condition, Warners report states.

The old chalkboards remain and contain asbestos, roofing materials may contain asbestos, the original ceiling tiles he been removed and a drop ceiling was installed but the glue daubs remain and could contain asbestos as well as other minor locations. The original plaster walls may also contain asbestos, but they were observed to be in good condition.

Starting in 1990, the Federal government required all schools to inspect asbestos levels and he re-inspections every three years. According to Warner, the inspection reports he been requested from the broker.

The school also possessed an accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children, which required that the facility be lead safe.

Therefore, we are quite confident there are no lead paint issues that would pose a threat to young children, the report says.

Purchase of the property located at 61 Durant Terrace has been in negotiation for approximately seven weeks, since Mayor Sebastian Giuliano proposed the idea to a mittee of several people including Director of Planning, Conservation and Development Bill Warner, Mayors Aide Bill Pillarella and Acting City Attorney Tim Lynch.

According to Warner, $190,000 in federal funding has been set aside for the project with an additional $60,000 from the council. If the city does not decide to go through with the purchase by early 2011, the property goes to St. Sebastians Church. From there, Warner said he expects it will be sold to one of several potential buyers currently interested in the property.


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