[Salary History and Negotiations]One of the most important stages in the process of getting into a job of your choice is salary negotiation. At this stage of the recruitment process, employers...+阅读
Running into a angry grizzly requires swift, deliberate action. It is often best to aim and shoot rather than think and plan how to react.Flash Negotiations is a tactic used to quickly resolve an issue. The proper use of this tactic relies on the sixth sense a negotiator gets that a resolution is at hand. This can happen when meeting the other person for the first time. Usually such meetings are tactical opportunities to gather and validate information upon which future strategies are developed. But the experienced negotiator will, on occasion, get a flash opportunity to open resolution discussions while the other person is off guard. Take advantage of these situations to se time and money. Flash Negotiations often yield the best possible deal ailable.How does flash negotiating work?To be able to deploy Flash Negotiations one must be able to draw upon his or her experience reading people, understanding the specific situation, knowing the background facts and understanding what they are prepared to do to make the deal. Armed with a strong base of experience and people skills, an aware negotiator mences the research interview. As the discussion develops, the other person may signal that he or she is receptive to an offer, is caught off guard, wants quick resolution, or is up to speed and prepared to discuss the matter.Any of these signals presents an opportunity for Flash Negotiations.If you are prepared to open negotiations, take the initiative and make a low but realistic offer. Tender as low an offer as you think will be received without shutting off the dialogue.If the other person counters the offer or asks for more information you will know that the opportunity exists for a Flash Negotiation. His counter will set the parameter of the bid / ask and you can typically assume that the negotiation will end up at the median of the bid and ask. In a flash negotiation I often move quickly to that median point and use the swift pace of the negotiation as a reason to acknowledge the other person's professionalism, insight and forthrightness.
The pros and cons of in-season negotiationsWhen Tom Condon drove to Indianapolis to tell Colts president Bill Polian that Peyton Manning no longer wanted to negotiate until after the season, it constitut...
International NegotiationsBetween countries International negotiation is as it says: inter-national. It is about negotiation between countries. International negotiation occurs all the t...
Violation of international law in trade negotiations betweenIn order to support its considerable fishing fleet, which has exploited the resources in its own waters to the point of exhaustion, the EU seeks bilateral fishe...
India, Japan conclude negotiations on signing of CEPATokyo, Oct.25 (ANI): Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan on Monday asked their negotiators to arrive at a mutually sa...
In Negotiations Personality MattersKnowing the deployable personalities in a negotiation (see my previous post) is a good strategy but does not address use of your strongest negotiation asset; yo...
Power Balancing in NegotiationsPower in negotiations must be recognized and, if you are on the short end of the equation, balanced. Other people presume to he power over us. Be they attorneys...
Negotiations over purchase of St. Sebastian school to continBy HILLARY FEDERICO, Press StaffMIDDLETOWN Negotiations over the purchase of St. Sebastian School will remain ongoing according to a vote Monday by the Economic...
The Currency of NegotiationsHing a good supply of beads and mirrors is wise if you are venturing into the jungle. That is unless you don't mind staying to be dinner.Negotiation is about cu...
职场英语:Salary NegotiationsSalary Negotiations Once you know what you should be earning, how do you go about getting it? Start by being very patient. When interviewing for a new position,...