[面试读心术面试官不喜欢的六个回答]Setting yourself apart from the crowd is vital when you are looking for that new job. This applies for all stages of the recruitment process - you want to ensur...+阅读
My new boss doesnt rate me at all. What can I do?My chief executive has just been fired. He was my mentor and under him I he been rapidly promoted. The new guy is political and has his fourites. Ive had a some run-ins with him in the past and he neither likes me nor rates me. I dont want to lee; I like the work and money and the culture. How do I convince him Im worth keeping? Doing great work wont achieve that - Ive done that before and hes never noticed. I dont think being smarmy is going to work either. Any ideas?
Things are looking irredeemably grim for you. Your new boss will be choosing his new team even as I write this, and chances are you wont be on it. He neither likes nor rates you and theres little you can do to change that. Dont even think of going to see him and telling him how great you are. Hed still think you hopeless, but would put you down as a pain and a bragger too.
Your best hope is that for some political reason he finds getting rid of you is more problematic than keeping you. If so, youll he more time to work on him. You are right that working hard is unlikely to impress him: in my experience good work always goes undetected by a boss intent on seeing your flaws.
Smarmy might work better, though it is difficult to bring off. It only succeeds when done in precisely the way that individual likes best. It sounds as if you are the last person to be able to get this right with him.
You say he doesnt rate or like you, but do you rate or like him? I get the strong impression you dont. This means that setting out to please him may turn your stomach - and make you wonder if the effort is worth it.
So even if you survive the first cut, you are not going to do well or be happy for as long as he stays chief executive. Maybe you reason that hell be fired soon and that you can hang on until then. If thats your strategy, next time you must obey the fundamental law of political anisations: one mentor is not enough.
All this is probably hypothetical, as I daresay youll be out on your ear soon. So start looking for another job today, but dont do anything hasty. It would be a mistake to jump before you are pushed. The great thing about being pushed is that you tend to get paid handsomely for the privilege
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