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[英文简历写作的注意事项]英文简历按照中文简历写,准会被人骂傻瓜。英文简历是进入外企的敲门砖,人家全凭你简历上寥寥数语判断你的能力,所以,你一定不能马虎。 一、 千万别罗罗嗦嗦 语言简练。对于求职...+阅读


Designer Resume TemplateCharles Lucas

266 Coldspring Rd.

Atlanta, GA 31196

(271) 555-8217


To obtain a position with a strong, forward thinking, progressive pany were I can fully utilize my knowledge and experience as a designer.

Notable Achievements

1997: Awarded Special Mention Prize. ICSID/ piegne Industrial Design Award, France, for co-design of a Portable Office Project.

Guest Lecturer, Industrial Design, University of Geia.

Relevant Skills

Certified in CAD and in Architectural Drafting.

Human Factor for product design.

Human puter interface design.

CDRS(Pro/Designer), Pro/E, TDI, AutoCAD, Form Z, Strata 3D, Infini-D, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, QuarkXPress, Adobe Illustrator, HyperCard, Persuasion, MM Director.

Employment History

Harris Technologies, Atlanta, GA

Product Designer, 1998 - Present

Developed critical transmissions, performance monitoring, and diagnostics firmware (C, ASM) for broadband hybrid fiber/coax telemunications work (TDMA receiver/transmitter). Documented interface/design and maintained MR (modification request) handling/response.

A S Industries, Augusta, GA

Manager, Telephone Products Division / Manager, Advanced Product Design, 1994 - 1998

Hired as manager of Telephone Products, and later promoted to manager of Advanced Product Design, I was responsible for all new product design. Provided key technology enhancements to multiple product lines. Designed full product line including machines rated superior to all others by Consumer Reports, helping to increase pany sales from $42.3 to $71.8M in one year.


B.A. Design, 1994

University of Vermont, Burlington, VT


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