

12月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[办公室会话新电脑的烦恼]Jeff: How are you today Joan? 杰夫:你今天过得怎么样,琼? Joan: Terrible. I he a new desk and a new puter. 琼:糟糕透了。我有了一张新桌子和一台新电脑。 Jeff: Why is th...+阅读

The question

I am getting increasingly weary about hing to sign birthday and leing cards for colleagues. Other people write funny things and add kisses but I can never think of anything original to say, so I usually write good luck or happy birthday and do not include kisses. I also never know how much money to put in the envelope. For a birthday for a colleague I dont like much, I only put in £1 but then feel mean. Are there any rules to make this odd process easier?



Yes, there are rules, but you seem to know them already. It has taken me decades of pen-sucking over these wretched cards to work out that it is easy. Your colleagues may make this into a contest of lame witticisms, but you can simply opt out.


For a birthday card, here is what you say: Happy Birthday. Then you sign your name. You are right about kisses, they are not called for. These little crosses he multiplied on office cards as part of a trend to emotional incontinence. Before long Luv ya loadz may be seen on office cards, so it is good to know that you and I, at least, are holding out.

对于一张生日贺卡,你可以这么写生日快乐,然后签上你的名字。你对香吻的看法是对的,这并无必要。作为情绪失控潮流之一,这些香吻正在办公室卡片上成倍增加。不久,Luv ya loadz之类的俗文字可能出现在办公室卡片上,因此,很高兴知道至少有你和我在抵制此事。

Leing cards are a bit harder, but there is a formula here, too. I he a repertoire of two ments: Ill miss you, and good luck. If Im feeling extragant, I use both.


Money is hardest. However, there is no need to fret over your meanness, as it seems to be the norm. At my office the money goes into a big envelope, and so you cant usually see how much people are putting in, though if you look at the number of people who he signed the card and the amount collected it always seems low. Im pretty sure I once saw a man slip in £5 and then remove rather more than that in change.


For birthdays I give nothing, as colleagues shouldnt expect to be showered with birthday gifts at work. With leing collections it depends how much I like the person going. For someone I barely know and dont much like, I give a couple of quid. For someone Ive worked with I give either £10 or £20, depending mainly on which notes are in my purse at the time.


The most important rule is to stop worrying. There are so many collections at work that if you fret about them all youll never get any work done.



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