

12月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com


In reality, many interviewers are inexperienced, unskilled, and otherwise unable to conduct effective interviews. But if handled correctly, encountering a bad interviewer doesnt need to derail your interview.事实上,很多面试官都经验不足,缺乏技巧,要不就不足以展开高效的面试。不过,如果应聘者应对得当的话,面试也不至于离题千里。Here are some of the most mon types of bad interviewers you might encounter and how you can effectively nigate each.下面是一些最常见的不给力的面试官类型,还有一些小贴士助你有效应对。

1.The no-questions interviewer没问题型面试官This interviewer talks on and on about his/her job, his/her professional background, the panys culture, but barely asks you any questions about yourself. This might seem like an easy interview, but in fact it can be an especially tricky one, because it lees you without opportunities to demonstrate that youd excel at the job.这类型的面试官会滔滔不绝地谈自己的工作、职业背景、公司文化,但是很少向你提一些与你自己有关的问题。

这样的面试看起来很轻松,但是却暗藏玄机,因为这种情况下,你就没有机会向面试官展示你有多适合这份工作了。What to do:应对方法:Steer the conversation back to the job opening and your qualifications. Say something like, Would it be OK to take a minute and lead you through my professional background? I think itll tie in with what you were just saying about the job.把面试谈话引导回来,谈谈与应聘职位和你的资质有关的话题。

比如说,我们能不能花点时间谈谈我的专业背景?我觉得这与您刚才说的工作正相关。2.The unprepared interviewer无准备型面试官Its clear that he/she hasnt read your resume and has no familiarity with your background.很明显,他/她没有看过你的简历,对你的背景也不熟悉。What to do:应对方法:Dont show youre annoyed by the lack of preparation, even if you are. Instead, offer to tell this interviewer about yourself. Say something like, Id love to tell you about my background and talk about some of the ways I think this job might be a great fit.即使你很生气也不要表现出来。

相反,你可以向面试官介绍一下你自己。你可以这么说,我很乐意告诉您我的专业背景,而且我觉得我在以下几个方面非常适合这份工作。3.The distracted interviewer分心型面试官He/she is checking the email, answering texts, and generally doing everything but engaging directly with you.面试官在查收邮件、写短信,总之,他/她什么都做,就是不专心给你面试。What to do:应对方法:Be as friendly as possible, and try to block out the lack of attention. But if the interruptions get really bad, you can nicely ask, Is this still a good time for us to meet? Id be glad to reschedule if its more convenient。

尽量表现得友好一些,试着能让面试官集中注意力。不过,如果打断面试的因素实在太多,那你可以善意地问一句,我们今天面试的时间还合适吗?如果其他时间更合适的话,我很乐意重新与您约时间面谈。4.The inept interviewer不着重点型面试官His/her questions bear little relation to the work youd be doing on the job. This is the type who uses questions like If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be? and What would I find in your refrigerator right now?这类面试官会问一些与你要去面试的工作完全没有关系的问题,比如如果你是一棵树,你觉得你是什么样的树?也有可能是我在你的冰箱里能找到些什么?What to do:应对方法:Answer the questions, but then steer the conversation back to whats really important. Wee examples of your professional achievements into the conversation, ask questions about the job itself and the challenges the team is facing, and then talk about how youd approach those challenges. In other words, do the interviewers job for him or her.先回答问题,再把谈话引向真正重要的内容。

把你在工作中所取得的成绩引入谈话中,问一些与应聘工作相关的问题、团队正在面临的挑战以及你如何解决这些挑战的方法。换句话说,你要做面试官要做的工作。5.The hostile interviewer敌对型面试官


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