

11月14日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[怎样背诵词汇]怎样背诵词汇 1、认真听课,边听边记,重复记忆 知道自己基础不好,所以在报名之后,就报了一个职称英语的辅导班。考虑到方便、经济实惠的因素,在考过职称英语同事的推荐下报了学易...+阅读


Part 1: Salary, Office Environment, and Corporate Culture


You've spent the last few months answering help wanted ads, visiting recruiters, and working. You've sent out your resumes and gone on a bunch of interviews. And now the moment you've been waiting for is here. It's your turn now. You he some job offers to consider. During those long days pounding the pement, you didn't think making a decision would be this difficult. But this is serious business. The job you take now may be yours for a long time to e.

What's the most important thing to consider? Is it salary, health benefits, or vacation time? Or could it be the corporate culture or the length or your mute? What about your boss and co-workers -- will working with them be pleasant? As you can see there are a number of factors to take into account and only some are negotiable. You can try to get a higher salary or more vacation time. However, health benefits are often standard packages. The corporate culture isn't going to change for you, and your boss and co-workers aren't going anywhere.

Each of us, of course, is different. And what carries a lot of weight for some of us is insignificant to the rest of us. A great example of this is a survey I conducted on the Career Planning site. I asked the question: What gives you the most job satisfaction? Given three answers to choose from, 20% chose Respect from my boss, 17% said The amount of money I make, and 62% said I love what I do. As you can see, while the majority responding to the survey felt that loving what they do is the most important thing, there are those whose opinions differed.

Evaluating the Offer




Even if money isn't what gives you the most job satisfaction, no one can argue its importance. You need a certain amount of money to pay the bills, for example. Most of us also want to make sure we are being paid what we're worth and what is t

he going rate for jobs similar to ours. It's important to find out what others are making for related work in the same industry, and in the same geographic region. You can start gathering this information by looking at salary surveys and other occupational information. And don't fet, if other aspects of the job appeal to you, you can try to negotiate the offer.

Office Environment


Every office has a different feel to it. Some feel kind of dark pin-striped suit while others feel a little more relaxed. Years ago I interviewed for an internship in a public relations firm. From the second I set foot in the office I knew I wanted to work there. There was a big bubble gum machine in the corner and colorful pictures hung on the walls. A few years later I interviewed for a job at a large investment bank. The office was the plete opposite of the one I just described. I was interviewed in a formally decorated conference room and given a tour of the department I'd be working in. It was brightly lit, yet furnished in dull colors. I was offered and accepted both positions and loved both jobs. As you can see, you can be happy in two totally different environments. You just need to know which environment you'd be unhappy in.

Corporate Culture


Defined by Merriam-Webster as the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes a pany or corporation, corporate culture should be an important factor in your decision whether to accept a job offer. If you value your time away from the office, a pany with a corporate culture that encourages late hours may not be for you. Is the potential employer's philosophy win at all costs? Is your philosophy always play clean? This pany isn't for you. Are you an ardent proponent for animal rights? Through your research you learn that one of the pany's subsidiaries does animal testing. Although this won't affect the day-to-day activities of your job, it may not be a situation in which you'll feel fortable.

(to be continued)


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