

12月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com


1. dont pare yourself to others.

1. 不要把自己和别人比较

everybody, and i mean everybody, starts out in a different place and is headed on their own journey. you he no idea where someone elses journey might lead them, so drawing parisons is a plete waste of time.


2. never obsess over things you cannot control.

2. 不要迷恋你无法控制的事情

while its often important to know about other things--like the economy, the markets that you sell to, the actions that others might take, your focus should remain on what you actually control, which is 1) your own thoughts and 2) your own actions.


3. know and keep your personal limits and boundaries.

3. 了解并保持你个人的限制和界限

while your job might sometimes seem like the most important thing in your world, youre killing a part of yourself if you let work situations push you into places that violate your privacy and your integrity.


4. remember you get the same amount of time every day as everyone else.

4. 要记住你和其他人一样每天拥有同样的时间

you may feel youre short on time and that you need more of it, but the simple truth is that when the day started, you got your fair share: 24 hours. nobody got any more than you did, so stop plaining.


5. dont take yourself so seriously.

5. 别把自己看得太重要

the ability to laugh at your foibles not only makes you happier as a person, it makes you more powerful, more influential and more attractive to others. if you cant laugh at yourself, everyone else will be laughing behind your back.


6. dont try to win every argument.

6. 不要试图在每次争论中都赢

some battles arent worth fighting, and many people are easier to handle when they think theyve won the argument. whats important isnt winning, but what you, and the other people involved, plan to do next.


7. remember that nobody is in charge of your happiness except you.

7. 请记住,没有人能主宰你的快乐,除了你自己

while some work environments are difficult, if youre consistently miserable its your fault. you owe it to yourself to either find a job that makes you happy or make the best of the job youve got.


8. smile and laugh more frequently.

8. 更频繁地微笑和大笑

contrary to popular belief, smiling and laughter are not the result of being happy; theyre part of a cycle that both creates and reinforces happiness. find reasons to smile. never, ever suppress a laugh.


9. dont waste precious energy on malice and gossip.

9. 别在怨恨和八卦上浪费宝贵的精力

before you tell a story about anybody else, or listen to such a story, ask yourself four questions: 1) is it true? 2) is it kind? 3) is it necessary? and 4) would i want somebody telling a similar story about me?


10. dont worry what others think about you; its none of your business.

10. 不要担心别人怎么想你,这跟你没关系

you cant mind read and you dont he everyone else wired into a lie detector. truly, you really he no idea what anyone is really thinking about you. its a total waste of time and energy to try.




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