

01月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Two years ago, a terrific employee of ours left for a new job in another city. He literally moved two states away. Other employees he left and faded into history, gone and fotten. And yet, when this guy called saying that his job in Boston was being eliminated, I quickly sprung into action to help him figure out whats next. Why? Because he is the model former employee. Here are some of the things he does:


1. Send nice notes. When something good happens here, he sends a nice personal note to congratulate that person. He doesnt over do it. He isnt a creepy stalker. But a couple of times a year, we hear something kind from him. It lets us know that he is still thinking of us and still cares about our success.

1. 发友好的简讯。每当公司员工有好事发生时,他都会给这位员工发一条友好的私人简讯,祝贺对方。他不会太过殷勤,本身他也不是一个爱溜须拍马的人。一年中总有几次,我们会收到他的祝福。这让我们知道,他还在想着我们,关心着我们的成功。

2. Tweet and like. When we post news, we know he will retweet and like it. Those social actions are simple, free, and cheap...and it matters. When he does this, it feels like he is still part of our team.

2. 转发并关注公司消息。公司发布消息之后,我们就知道他一定会转发并关注。这些社交行为简单,随意,也没什么花费,但是,很重要!他这么做的时候,我们感觉他还是我们团队的一员。

3. Send beer. Yep. That happened. We were under a lot of stress about a particularly big launch. And then 6 cases of beer arrived. Yes, free beer is a terrific way to maintain friendships.

3. 邮寄啤酒。是的,确有其事。有一次,我们在进行一次大型项目,压力都很大,这个时候,他给我们邮寄了6箱啤酒。没错,免费的啤酒非常有助于维系友情

4. Send introductions. Over the last two years, he has sent us a handful of good leads. Former employees know your business, your pain points and strengths. Former employees are a good source of deal flow, ideas, and new talent.

4. 介绍新员工。在过去两年的时间里,他给我们介绍了不少好的员工。前任员工熟悉业务,了解公司的优点和缺点,能为原公司促成新的交易,介绍新的理念,带来新的员工。

5. Visit. We see him a couple times a year. He will be in New York and will pop in to say hello or invite me for a coffee. That is how I knew he was waitlisted at a business school where I happen to know a board member...and so I could make that call.

5. 拜访。每年,我们都会见到他几次。来纽约的时候,他会拜访公司,和大家打个招呼,或者请我去喝杯咖啡。这就是我如何得知他正在等一份商学院的工作,正好,我认识那里的一个董事,所以我就给那个董事打了电话。

The moral of the story? You invested a lot of time, energy, and passion into a workplace. That investment doesnt end the day you lee. Your relationship to that pany is forever--you are part of their history and that pany is part of your work history. So, dont turn your back on it pletely.



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