

11月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[史上最滑稽最搞笑的辞职信]1、员工杜某我在公司辛辛苦苦干了四年,相信你加薪的承诺已不下九次。进公司时我身高1.61米,如今身高1.78米,而工资一点没长。 2、开发科王某我的智商实在太低,总是搞不清楚为什...+阅读

Move Up Without Moving On


Sometimes you he to lee yourcurrent job to ascend the corporate ladder-- but not always. Especiallyif you try a creative approach。


You don't he to change your job toachieve your career goals, taking on new assignments in your currentjob or outside your job can expand your leadership knowledge and skills-- and your marketability。


The Center for Creative Leadership's McCauley believes you should look for developmental assignments, which she describes as roles and activitiesthat provide opportunities for you to stretch and grow as a leader, to advance. Use her three tips to identify developmental assignments in your personal and professional lives that will help you get ahead。


1. Add new dimensions to your current position。


Think outside your formal job deion when seeking out new challenges. The first place to start may be helping your coworkers jettison unpleasant tasks from their plates。


Consider moving a responsibility from someone else's plate to your own, trading tasks with another, or taking on a role or task that needs to be done but that no one currently'owns,' Mc Cauley says. In this way, you can expand your repertoire of skills and responsibilities while also helping out your colleagues.


2. Use short-term assignments to fuel long-term growth。


The best way to ensure that you follow through on new tasks and responsibilities and vary your experiences is with short-term or temporary projects. One-offs allow you to learn while also giving you the freedom to pursue other opportunities as soon as each assignment is pleted. This strategy will give you a more immediate sense of acplishment. You'll learn whether or not you enjoy the work as well as improve your professional record for seeing things to fruition。


3. Pursue opportunities outside the office。


Sometimes you he to think outside the box -- and the office. You'll find plenty of leadershipresponsibilities in nonprofit, religious, social and professional anizations, schools, sport teams, and family life, McCauley explains。


In other words, opportunity is probably knocking at your door right this moment. You may find thatstepping up outside the office is easier, as there is less petition.Also, your efforts will be visibly appreciated, particularly if you're leading in a volunteer or non profit capacity。


Continue to actively look for placesto expand your skill set on and off the clock. McCauley adds,Challenging, real-life experiences are rich sources of growth and learning, but you don't he to wait for opportunities to present themselves.



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