[责任感自觉性]问:你的私人生活是否存在对你的职业造成影响的问题? 答:我总是很注意把自己的私人生活与职业生活分开。我认为在给病人治病 时,重要的是保持客观。一个临床医生应该能够控制自己...+阅读
Responsible, creative and strategic are just some of Linkedins most overused words in users profiles adjectives that the professional working site says no longer carry any weight to prospective employers.
Culling from a list of words used by its 259million members worldwide, Linkedin discovered that expert and driven are also among its most popular -- and most nebulous -- words.
The annual lists top buzzword, responsible was used almost twice as much as its number two spot, strategic.
The social media site, which is used as a professional tool for working, job search, and recruitment, often provides employers with a first impression of what someones work ethics are all about.
For that reason, the site cautions: Your Linkedin profile is your professional brand, so make it count. Demonstrate your skills and experience by providing examples of your talent rather than using buzzwords. In the case of the word responsible Linkedin says that rather than saying you are responsible for something, demonstrate how that responsibility delivered results.
正因如此,网站告诫大众:你在Linkedin上的个人简介同时也是你的一张个人名片,所以不要做无用功。你应该用一些具体的例子来证明你的能力,而不是一味地使用一些形容词。 以词语有责任心为例,网站指出:不要陈述你对哪一件事情很负责,而是要设法向雇主证明你的责任感带来了哪些工作成果。
Linkedin also broke down users buzzwords by country and found that enthusiastic is only popular in Great Britain, while passionate is exclusive to Australia and New Zealand.The U.S. which accounts for 50per cent of Linkedins usership is the only nation with patient in its list of top ten buzzwords.
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企业老板如何“推卸”责任一个聪明老板要做的,是不断地推卸自己的责 任,让别人操起心来,让别人多干事情,让别人变得能干起来。员工很像弹簧,老板强他就弱,老板弱他就强。打破恶性循环唯一的办法,是我们不用...