

08月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[应聘英语面试自我介绍]My name is John Jones and I am an experienced problem solver for marketing departments. I know that you he an opening here in your West Coast Marketing Group, an...+阅读

Hello,Iam Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.


chairman: 这里指董事会主席

15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a pany that can serve millions of small businesses.

business: 如果没有接触过较多正式的商业文本,可能不太容易知道business还可以是可数名词。是的,可数名词时,business的意思是商业机构。仔细听,Jack Ma好像没有把复数给念出来。

Today, this remains our mission (Our vision is the same now as it was when we began) to make it easy to do business anywhere. At Alibaba, we fight for the little guy. The small businessmen and women and their customers. Our role is simple: Through our ecosystem, we help merchants and customers find each other and conduct business on their terms and in ways that best serve their unique needs. We help merchants to grow, create jobs and open new markets in ways that were never before possible.

这里有意思的是:Jack Ma说了括号前的那个部分,字幕显示了括号里的部分。Mission和Vision这两个词也很值得玩味。

on their terms,一个非常重要的词组,根据他们的情况,这个词组在BEC中级考试(真题第四辑)的完形填空中就出现过。

Today, 15 years passed. Weve grown so significantly and he bee a household name in China. And soon, we are ready for the world to know us

significantly,这个词要念完整很难,Jack Ma还是很认真把这个词的每一个音节都说到位,尤其是-ly韵味十足,赞一个。

household name:家喻户晓的名字

You will hear some details about (from) our business later. But first, let me take you on a journey around china to see some of the real people, real stories that Alibaba has impact on them.

Jack Ma 说了details about, 字幕给了from。此语境下,两者皆可。

最后的定于从句,严格意义上讲是不精确的,最后的them应该省略。例如:我们说the girl I met(我见到的那个女孩),而不说the girl I met her

Im proud to share with you these stories that show the heart and spirit of Alibaba.Im proud that we ignite innovation, create jobs, benefit customers and help entrepreneurs fulfil their dreams.



entrepreneur这个词既难拼写也难读准(但却是BEC考试的高频词汇),Jack Ma读这个单词的时候出了点小问题,由于这是来自法语的一个单词,因此en的发音为on, 最后的eur发音应该为eh.

With Alibabas platforms, people are improving their lives today and he hope for a better tomorrow. From our humble beginnings, and throughout the past 15 years, Alibaba has changed merce in China. Our business has grown, but we never lost sight of our customers. Focusing on solving their problems leads to the best oute for our business.

merce,商业。Alibaba所在的行业正是e-merce,电子商务。mercial的确是它的形容词,但是别忘记mercial也可以成为一个名词,最典型的例子:TV mercial.

Alibaba has e a long way, but we want to be a pany that can last 102 years. We still he 87 years to go. And we believe one thing, today is difficult, tomorrow is more difficult, but the day after tomorrow is beautiful.


So we he to work very hard in order to survive the long journey.



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