

12月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[初一英语自我介绍翻译]Hello everyone, I am glad to give a brief introduction to myself. My name is XX, and I'm XX years old. I am a student from XX middle school. In my spare time, I...+阅读

Goodmorning!Veryhonored to havethis opportunity for an interview.Ihope I can make a good performancetoday.And getthis interviewsuccess.Now,allowme tointroduce myself,please.Ithis year 28 years old,born in Suzhou.In 2008JulyI graduated from XX college.Afterwork,I studiedelectrical automationmajor at University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,in 2013Februarygraduated andreceived a bachelor's degree.During the University,I study hard,passed the NationalEnglishthree levels of tests,have mastered the basicspecialized knowledge.An engineeris mydream.I long tohave the opportunity toplay my ability.

In 2008July,Iworked for XXXcompany as aproject engineerso far.Because I want to changemy working environment,to look for a morechallenging job.And Ithink your companyis an internationalcompany,I cangain morefrom working in this kind ofenvironment,learn more.This is why Icome herefor an interview.I thinkI'm a good teamspirit,sincere person.I am confident thatI have the ability tobe competent your companyengineer.

Thank you for giving me the chance.


初一的英语自我介绍。要翻译您好,没有具体的信息,就按初一的水平自己发挥写了点,希望有所帮助: Hello everyone, I am glad to give a brief introduction to myself. My name is XX, and I'm XX years old...

求大神英文翻译adulthood 这里不单单指年龄上的成年,更指像成人一样地生活。 成人的标志主要有2个,生活自理--不再和父母一起住, 经济独立--有全职工作。 所以句子是说,延迟成为一名真正的成年...

我要参加保研面试了谁能帮我把下面的自我简介翻译一下可能是你给的分太少,高手们都不屑一顾. 我毛遂自荐吧!! 各位在座的老师,我是***,来自山东泰安。我的基本资料在简历上已经有了,在此不做赘述 Good morning (afternoon) teachers,...

急求大专生毕业英语自我介绍范文带翻译自我介绍 大家好,我叫...,来自钦州,我很高兴能在这里与大家认识,我是纺织工业学校的一名学生,我的专业是针织,我很荣幸能参加集训营,我参加集训营是因为我喜欢英语,我希望在集训营里...

翻译面试的英文自我介绍简单的口语化的Hi my name is XX. I am very pleased to have this opportunity of interview. I am 22 years old this year. After graduating from university in 2009 ,I went to the...

面试英文自我介绍口语和书面形式请按照下面的翻译过来就可以Hello, interviewer!My name is *** and I am thirty-two years old.I worked in Shenzhen for ten years and I was engage in the work of accounting and administration...

日语翻译面试时一般问些什么问题我就用中文给你讲了。 面试的时候一般都是日本人直接给面试,他们喜欢问得问题也都差不多。。1叫你自我介绍 这个你可以到日本网站上去查查。基本上都差不多。就是姓名年龄学...

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求英语翻译!急!!首先,你没有收到时间和地址,那就不能知道面试的时间快到了。所以,你只能说你没有收到面试邀请。 第二,“这样的话就算到时失败了,我也不会有遗憾,因为我已经努力了,”这句话完全没...
