[面试英语自我介绍急]* * * * * * * * months in graduated from * * * * * school, my major is English education. I have a bright and cheerful disposition extroversion. Now I have work...+阅读
Hello everyone! My is......, from Qinzhou. I'm so glad to meet you, and I'm currently a student at Guangxi Textile Industrial School. my major is knitting. It's my pleasure to join the CHAMPION training camp, because I love English and I hope I can learn something in the training for my future work. As we all know English is very useful in every field.
My English is limited that's why I'm here. I know it's a huge challenge for me to conquer English, but I believe that “No pains, no gains, success belongs to the persevering”, I hope I can learn more from you, Thank you!
急需求助医学生英语自我介绍翻译I am a graduate major in Traditional Chinese Medicine. I was born here, familiar with the language and customs. I want to return to this city after graduation t...
求一篇200词左右的英语自我介绍稿你好,简单的原创自我介绍范文如下: Me My name`s (男的Kevin,Gavin,Jackie,Jackson...女的就叫Maria,Julie,Amy,Jane). I am a 16(根据你实际年龄)-year-old boy/girl and I am ve...
求一篇英语自我介绍和一篇汉语自我介绍Good morning/after nood ladies n gentleman(或者说dear professors)。I suppose all of you know the singer Liu Huan, don't you?Right, the one who sings the song 'You...
求英语范文:介绍自己从事的工作医生做好一名医生需要掌握哪范文没有 我给你写几句。我是英语专业的 I am a doctor. I am confident that I will be a good one, I do want to help others and this makes me happy. I know that I a...
我需要一份英语的PPT自我介绍My friend, you know me? My name is Jiang Yao Yi, 10 years old this year, Samsung in fourth grade, reading in Chinese schools in VIII. God is my eyes, my nose is...
英语口语8000句txt有哪些日常英语口语8000句还是蛮多的,学英语关键还是在与方法 1. 勤奋和持续坚持。大多数人学不好英语根本的原因是懒惰和三天打鱼两天晒网。 2. 把英语当成一门声音而不是文字来学...
英语口语8000句下载带文本的日常生活中的短语1从家中,从起床到出门。早上好!Good morning!Good morning!闹钟响了吗? Did the alarm clock go off? Did the alarm clock go off?该起床了! It's time to get u...
英语口语8000句如何学学英语 1首先要提高对英语的兴趣,把学英语当成一种乐趣,提高学习效率。 2 认真学习单词,包括背写,及单词的用法,和相关的词组。 3 认真阅读课文,增强自己的语感,可以的话,可以适当的...