

01月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com


4人对话: Stanley, Shirley, Peggy and Peter, 讨论著名短篇小说 《老人与海》的故事。

Stanley: Have you heard of a famous novel named “The Old Man and Sea”?

Peter: Yes, of course. The writer is Ernest Hemingway.

Shirley: I remembered her. She wrote this novel in Cuba in 1951.

Peggy: Wow, your memory is really good, Shirley. I just remembered it's a story of an aging, life-long fisherman who attempts to find himself a fish on a fishing trip in the gulf waters off Cuba.

Stanley: Fishing trip? Is it interesting? Tell me more about it.

Peter: No, not interesting at all. It's all about an old man.

Shirley: Hey, guys. This novel is great. I really admire the will of the old fisherman, he teaches me to be perseverant in order to be successful.

Peggy: Yes. I agree with you, Shirley. Let me tell you the story, Stanley. The fisherman caught a big fish, a giant Marlin, but couldn't it pull up. A few days later, he found that the giant Marlin is bigger than his boat, knowing that it's very difficult to win, but he didn't give up.

Stanley: An Old man against a Giant Marlin... Seems interesting…

Shirley: And the climax is the giant fish is injured and its blood attracts several groups of sharks to attack it. Sharks, the bloody killers! Although the sharks snatch the fish, he is still reluctant to give it up. Finally, he wins the battle.

Peter: Then when he goes back to the port, it left only the fish bone. Other fishermen are marveled at his work.

Peggy: The old man is really persistent and perseverant. We should learn from him in pursuit of higher achievements.

Shirley: Exactly. Stanley, you should read the novel and I'm sure it will inspire you.

Stanley: Thanks, I will.


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