

01月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com


嗯 顺便说一下,几天前帮我指导的abc天卞英语中心的外教和我们说过 事实上想征服英语是轻松的。坚持要有一个适合的学习空间以及进修口语对象,老师水平是关键,标准口音(建议找欧美外教)非常重要 坚持天天口语沟通,1 on 1家教式教学才可以有最.好.的学习成果!课程结束后同样要回放复习课堂录音档 把所学知识融会贯通。实在是真的没有人可以指导 最好能到旺旺或爱思获得课外教材学习 多说多练迅速的语感就加强起来 学习成长是绝对突飞猛进的..a:,there! what can i help you today?b:...emmmm...i wanna buy a present for my grandmas birthday.a:do you have anytng in mind? i suggest tswoollen carf. its good for old ladies, especially in winter.b:but thats what i gave her last year.a:oh,okay.lets find out some tng else.(c is paasing by)c:,b! what a surprise to meet you here!b:hey,c! long time no see! hows going?c:everytng is fine! what are you doing here?b:im looking for a present for my grandmas birthday and i just cant make up my mind!c:what did you give her last year?b:a woollen scarf.c:well then, perhaps ts year you should bring her a pair of gloves?b:excellent ideas! thanks,c!re welcom~ see ya~a:so, if you are looking for gloves, ill suggest ts one. its warm, durable, and its on sale ts week!b:sounds perfect. ill get it then~a: dollars, please.b:and would you please gift wrap that?a:sure.a:here you are, sirmadam.b:thank you very much.(b goes to home)b:mom! im back!d:welcome home, my son!b:guess what,mom. i just broght a present for grandma.d:oh, great! waht is it?s a secret~~(on grandmas birthday party)b:grandma, ts is for you!(b brings out the gift)e:oh, my! its such a adorable present! thank you so much, my dear.b:i love you grandma.e:i love you, too.


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