[金融分析员的英语面试技巧]时光飞逝,自08年10月决志信主以来已经1年半了。最近刚拿到了暑期实习 的offer,而且是自己特别想做的Financial Analysis,很惊讶很开心,本来都觉得暑期实习基本没希望了,准备全心...+阅读
1、解释什么是设计模式(Design Pattern),并列举您用过的设计模式。
John Smith123-45-6789数据库设计60%55ABCD888e
Tom Chan582-54-5528网络安装40%70ABCD888e
Mike Brown473-55-8721软件编码100%80IT。1 main st
John Smith123-45-6789数据库设计40%60IT。1 main st
Sue Li743-31-3782客户培训100%65IT。1 main st
Tom chan 582-54-5528网络安装60%75HiTech7 state Rd
4、用Ja语言对 {7,6,5,4,3,2,1} 实现冒泡排序算法。
5、简要描述Session Bean,Entity Bean,Message Bean及其各自主要的应用环境。
This book is a Tutorial on Enterprise JaBean(EJB).
Its about EJB concepts, methodology, and development. This book also contains a number of advanced EJB topics, giving you a practical and real world understanding of the subject. By reading this book, you will acquire a deep understanding of EJB.
Make no mistake about it what you are about to read is not easy.EJB incorporates concepts from a wealth of areas, including distributed puting, database, security, ponent-driven software, and more. bining them in a magnificent stride forward for the Ja munity, but with that es a myriad of concepts to learn and understand. This book will teach you the concepts and techniques for authoring reusable ponents in Ja, and it will do so from the ground up. You need only to understand Ja to understand this book.
投行分析员面试心得跟大家谈谈我的投行分析员面试心得吧! 记得在康奈尔上大学时,大家都说投行的面试是最难的面试之一,不是因为问题很难,而是因为面试过程和内容因人而异,面试过后还是不知道自己到...