[联合利华Unilever面试过程总结]不过再想想,反正今年的都面完了,写了也是留给后人一点参考资料,所以早一天晚一天也就无所谓了 第一次体验这么真正意义上的accessment center,实在是非常的tough.建议以后的...+阅读
然后再提出除了学业优秀之外 你还有那些优秀的品质和经历来为你加分, it ranks number 9 in the 115 students in my grade! 哥们 加油 祝你成功. I', I have great interest in joining the Accounting Department as my long term career goal is to be a elite in Acounting area. I wish my dream could come true from this moment. I enjoyed this position because what I did was very important to everybody, I was actively involved in student activities. My GPA is 3,**years old.(始终面带微笑 ~ smile) My name is **, and in the Student Union of our school. Unilever is my dream company; 最后简单说明你为什么选择Unilever和会计助理这份工作 , so you know this major prepares us for CGA and most courses are taught in English. I was in charge of Student Welfare in my class! Thanks. I did the inventory check and helped the accountants to make the auditing reports;s allGood Morning/:外企比较务实 喜欢谈论些现实的东西 不要大谈什么理想抱负等虚的东西~当然 对自己的职业规划是可以的 这是一篇例文 可以根据自己的情况作适当修改 流程是, although it was mostly small details.6! 自信和轻松很重要 让自己的自信通过你的语调和微笑及外在形象去感染考官 哈哈, 再说明自己在学校的专业特长(着重会计方面)和表现. And I've passed 15 exams in CGA. What's more;m here for applying the accounting assistant and believe that I will not let you down:开头问好 简单说明自己的履历! PS. I think you may have interviewed quite a lot of students in this major, everyone. That'. My boss was pleased with my performance and he asked me to recommend my classmate to join our team, majoring in accounting. I had a three-month internship in Guangdong Zhengzhong Accounting Firm! Pleased to have this opportunity to introduce myself here to you. Besides having good academic performance, I anticipate I will get the CGA qualification in 2009. I'll soon graduate from ** University;Afternoon
1. 事先了解好应聘公司的背景、应聘职位的信息,这是应聘任何工作都要做的事情; 2. 交代清自己的背景和申请的职位,语言精练,中心明确; 5. 既然是,那么必然要对应聘公司所处的行业、所做的产品以及竞争对手等都要了解清楚,可以通过网络、媒体甚至是广告各方面找人咨询,面试时还要突出自己有良好的市场sense,让对方觉得你是个适合从事营销工作的人。 6. 通常来说,营销面试对英语的要求很高,特别是外企,面试官语速很快,因此反应一定要迅速,逻辑性要强; 7. 将自己面试前的所有想法、问题都准备好英文腹稿; 8. 营销的部门,一般都要做简单的数据处理,ppt excel之类的东西要提前练习一下; 9. 请穿职业装。 HR提醒 1. 应届生如果想从事市场工作,应尽量选择知名的家电企业或知名的快消品企业。
在这些行业积累经验。特别是这些行业中的著名企业如宝洁、联合利华等,如果能进去镀金的话,对自己的职业成长有利。 2. 选择企业最好是选择重视市场部、舍得花钱的行业或企业,比如消费品、家电、汽车等行业。 3. 市场部功能强大、职责较多的企业是有志于从事MARKETING工作的首选。 4. 一个优秀的MARKETING最好是销售与市场均在行的。不懂销售做不好市场,不懂市场也做不好销售。...
Why I chose Unilever
chose Unilevr is because of the reasons following:
1.I like the products of Unilever. The products of your company is my necessaries. The impression of people from your company take things philosophically and make me feel warm. I hope I can know your company more.
2.Your company is a famous international company on the world. It has a high-lever management group. Also, it is known for its novice training and its "study tree" training. Like " The way one person is better than another people is one group is better than another group." If I can study or work from the organized groups of your company, I believe I can give myself a hand on raising my value.
3.In the future of China, cosmetics and food have a very wide marketplace, your company also has a big prospect. So, I also want to watch the future and the direction of development of Chinese selling marketplace nearly by studying in that profession.
4.I have some selling experience. I also have some have some people-web in my selling area, it will help me to get into selling practices high-efficiently.
5.My speciality may help me to get better on understanding selling. Being as a speiality of economy, I have some understanding of economy and marketplaces, and also have taken the subject such as "The study of marketplaces selling" It will help understand the nature of selling more high-levelly.
The reasons above is why I chose Unilever. Thanks!
面试试题大集合1、 我们为什么要雇请你呢? 有的面试只有这么一个问题。话虽简单,可是难度颇高。主要是测试你的沉静与自信。给一个简短、有礼貌的回答:我能做好我要做得事情,我相信自己,我想得...
面试问题大集合影响他人的能力 如果你是某事的负责人的话,你很容易让他人听你的;但是,当你不是负责人时,让别人听自己的话是非常难的事。想要培养自己影响他人的能力的话,得通过与他人的共同的...
联合利华Unilever面试过程联合利华(Unilever)面试过程总结 不过再想想,反正今年的都面完了,写了也是留给后人一点参考资料,所以早一天晚一天也就无所谓了 第一次体验这么真正意义上的accessment cent...
联合利华Unilever面试笔试题目过程总结联合利华(Unilever)面试过程总结 不过再想想,反正今年的都面完了,写了也是留给后人一点参考资料,所以早一天晚一天也就无所谓了 第一次体验这么真正意义上的accessment cent...
联合利华面试流程分享网申 千万不要轻视网申这一环节。联合利华在全国总共收到20万份网申,但只有5000份进入他们的视野,几乎是百里挑一。挑选的时候主要关注的内容是:学习成绩、证书、是否拿过奖学...
联合利华的面试是采取什么形式呢这是我面试联合利华的过程,希望能给你提供帮助 第一轮面试,差点找不着联合利华的门 笔试顺利通过了,好容易进入了第一轮面试,可差点就失去了。那天下了轻轨我没有打的,想着万一录...