

08月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com



我也是东北的,我们是老乡哦,帮你仔细写了一篇,纯手打的五星级回答,一定要采纳哦,不要辜负我的辛苦劳动!【来自英语牛人团】[开场白]大家好,我叫——,你们也可以叫我——。很高兴能来到这个学校,非常高兴与大家见面。Hello everyone, my name is —— , you can also call me ——. I'm very pleased to come to this college, and very nice to meet all of you.下面请允许我说明一下自己。我来自东北吉林,我的家乡很美丽,我相信如果你们去那儿的话你们会喜欢那里白雪皑皑的冬天的。Now allow me to introduce myself. I am from Jilin Province in North-East of China. My hometown is beautiful, I think you will love the snowy winter if you go there. 正如大家所见,我身高180,有点瘦,五官端正,性格外向,幽默,招人喜欢。我喜欢旅游,打篮球。

信不信由你,我真的很擅长做饭,朋友们都叫我大厨。(你也可以换上其他特长和绰号)As you can see, I'm a little bit tall. I'm the height of 180cm, kind of slim, I have regular features. I'm an outgoing and funny guy who was welcomed widely. I love travelling and playing basketball. Believe it or not, I'm really good at cooking. So friends call me "chief". 我养了一条小狗叫乐乐,可惜不能带到这来让你们看看,它真的很乖,你们会喜欢它的。I have a puppy named Lucky, it's a pity that you cannot see it, it's really cute. You will like it.我希望能在这里交到知心好友,度过生命中最美好的四年时光,谢谢大家!I hope that I can make some good friends here and have most exciting four years in my life. Thank you!还有想到什么想写的追问我,我接着帮你翻译!



I am XXX, (如果需要,加上 and my English name is XX). I was born in 19XX, from XX. I am very excited to join XX University this year, and I am interested in XX (科目,专业). In my free time, I like to sing, my favorite songs are XX. My friends and I usually go to the KTV on the weekends (如属实). I am a very warm-hearted girl and like to help people whenever I can. In short, I look forward to join this class and make new friends with my classmates.


Good morning/afternoon everyone. My name is xxx. It is my pleasure to introduce myself. I am from China, Beijing province. I graduate from xxx high school in 2010. I am an introvert person, and my favourite pastitme is reading and listening to music. I currently enrol in Bachelor of Arts, major in English Literature. My ambition is to be an English teacher because English is important to students who are going for futhur studies. Without a good foundation of English Language, students will be incapable of expressing themselves probably, which in turn will affect their study.


Hi, everyone. My Chinese name is...I come from Wuhu in Anhui province. My interest hobby is widespread, for example: playing basketball, swimming, listening to music, and enjoying movies. As a communicative boy/girl, I do hope we can become good friends in the next four years. Thanks for your attention!


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