[Four Common Sense Tips for Telephone Interview]Heres a phone interview tip worth considering: smile. A smile is a magic thing, and in addition to being seen in person it can be felt from a distance. When doi...+阅读
mon Resume Headings
To know which of the following subheadings you are going to use you he to know: Who is this resume for? Resumes must be targeted to a particular employer, position or job type. It is impossible to produce a resume without hing such a focus. A one-size fits all resume does not exist.
There are no specific headings you he to use. You must select or invent headings that show you in the best possible light and are relevant to the job for which you are applying.
There is no particular order in which you must present your information but one usually puts the most recent or impressive information first.
Name, Address, Phone No. Mobile, Fax, E-mail
Personal Personal Data/Details Summary History ProfileHEADINGS ABOUT YOUR CAREER PLANS
Objective Career Objective/Ambition Five year planHEADINGS SUMMARISING WHAT YOU HAVE DONE
Career Overview/Summary Career Highlights/AchievementsHEADINGS ABOUT YOUR EDUCATION
Formal, Tertiary, TAFE, Secondary School
Qualifications Formal Qualifications Education Relevant Education and Training Educational Qualifications/Achievements/History/Experience/Record/Background Academic Qualifications/Achievements/History/Experience/Record/Background Professional Qualifications/Development/Training Additional Training Training Courses Attended Short Courses Job Related Courses Conferences Attended Licences Certifications Accreditations ExaminationsHEADINGS ABOUT THE JOBS YOU HAVE HELD
Professional, General, Voluntary
Experience Employment Employment History/Experience/Record/Background Work History/Experience/Record/Background Professional Employment/Background Career History/Record/Background munity Involvement munity Service Voluntary work Positions Held AppointmentsHEADINGS ABOUT YOUR SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENTS
Special achievements can include: Professional, Personal
, Sporting, and Key
Achievements Acplishments State Representation Scholarships Awards Publications Portfolio Conference Papers Delivered Articles Published Honours PrizesHEADINGS ABOUT WHAT YOU CAN DO
Areas of expertise could include technical: puter, keyboard, testing, languages or; generic skills: munication, interpersonal, judgement, problem solving. Include information about your level of expertise /or length of experience.
Knowledge Skills Technical Skills Skill Summary Areas of Expertise Main Capabilities petencies Relevant skills Career Skills Summary Professional Skills and Achievements Summary of Qualifications Strengths Key Knowledge Area Key petencies Demonstrated Abilities Personal AttributesHEADINGS ABOUT THE GROUPS YOU HAVE JOINED
Professional, Social, Recreational
Memberships Professional Affiliation/Memberships Positions of Responsibility HeldHEADINGS ABOUT WHAT YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME
Hobbies/Interests/Activities/Leisure munity Involvement munity ActivitiesHEADINGS ABOUT OTHERS WHO WILL SPEAK POSITIVELY ON YOUR BEHALF
It is not always appropriate to include these in your resume
Referees References Additional ReferencesHEADINGS WHICH ARE USUALLY IRRELEVANT
Date of Birth/Age Place of Birth Nationality Ethnic Origin Marital Status Religion Number of Children Health Height and WeightLet's make a summary. Resume headers typically includes:
Career Objective
Job Interest
Employment History
Related Experience
Work Experience
Professional Experience
Summary of Qualifications
Professional Highlights
Professional Strengths
Skills and Acplishments
puter Skills
puter ExperienceWorkshops and Courses
Courses and Seminars
Supervisory Skills
Honors and Awards
Volunteer Skills
Future Goals
Personal Profile
Special Abilities
Volunteer Skills
Management Skills
Common Sentences For Price NegotiationOur price is reasonable as pared with that in the international market. 我们的价格和国际市场的价格相比还是合理的。 I'm afraid I don't agree with you there. 我不...
Common Cover Letter ErrorsToo short is too bad Many people send short throwaway notes in place of real cover letters. A cover letter should he three to four paragraphs, with the longest...
AboutCommonSense关于一般常识Key Sentences(重点句子) 344.How many nationalities are there in China? 中国有多少民族? 345. The are 56 nationalities in China. 中国有56个民族。 346. What are China'...