

11月05日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[国庆节英文介绍]the national day is often taken as the date on which a state or territory achieved independence. other dates such as the country's patron saint day, or a signif...+阅读




position sought

technical engineer with a foreign enterprise in beijing city.

professional experience

1998-present mercer ine., albany, ny

--position:technical engineer

--responsibilities:plan, coordinate, and execute hardware, software and work installation, configuration, maintenance, troubleshooting and repair operations for service contract clients. specialize in maintaining ibm and mac pcs, and peripherals with emphasis on working environments.

develop and implement service schedules, systems and procedures to assure delivery of quality, cost-efficient technical services.

quickly diagnose causes of systems failures and malfunctions to ensure highest operating efficiencies, reliability, and quality performance standards. respond immediately to emergency situations with sensitivity to deadlines and customer needs. assist work engineers with installation and troubles hooting of apples hare and novell systems.

analyze client equipment and operations to determine servicing and supply needs. monitor and maintain cost-effective inventories of supplies, tools and materials. investigate, test, and implement improvements to existing procedures. consistently manage time and multiple tasks to meet deadline, established objectives, and quality performance standards. foster clear munications and maintain excellent staff and client working relations.

1982-1988 kritel associates, inc., schnectady, ny

--position:manager of information systems

--responsibilities:directed and supervised all mis, related activities for a financial services firm supplying critical, timely information to corporate client base. administered diston’s 2 novell 2x works, maintaining peak operating efficient and providing user training for all hardware and software applications. controlled budget costs for purchasing and operations.

12全文查看licenses and certifications

candidate for certified ware engineer/c.n.e.* certification in macintosh cpu. printer,and powerbook repair*certified in okidata & epson laser and impact printers*certification in hewlett packard laser jet printers

technical expertise

hardware proficiencies:ibm:at,xt,ps2

macintosh*hp:ii-iiisi laser printers,color plotters*okidata*epson*dest ocr scanners*storage dimensions e/o scsi drive.

works: appletalk*ethertald*novell ware 2x,3x*cabling,nodes peripherals.

software applications: dos. mcintosh operating *ms windows 3.0,3.1*windows applications * cwp 5.1* word *excel*lotus*wordperfect 5.1*displaywrite 4*quicken 3.0*pagemaker 4.0* harvard graphics 3.3*publish/text pac ocr* nutshell plus ii*paradox 3.0

notice:professional licensure and certifications add weight to resume.

use of boldgace and itallcs provides a clean and crisp presentation.

personal information

sex :male


address:no.29 beisanhuan road, xicheng district, beijing






posiion souh

chnicl ninr wih forin nrpris in bijin ciy.

profssionl princ

1998-prsn mrcr in., lbny, ny

--posiion:chnicl ninr

--rsponsibiliis:pln, coordin, nd cu hrdwr, sofwr nd nwork insllion, confiurion, minnnc, roublshooin nd rpir oprions for srvic conrc clins. spciliz in mininin ibm nd mc pcs, nd priphrls wih mphsis on nworkin nvironmns.

dvlop nd implmn srvic schduls, sysms nd procdurs o ssur dlivry of quliy, cos-fficin chnicl srvics.

quickly dinos cuss of sysms filurs nd mlfuncions o nsur hihs oprin fficincis, rlibiliy, nd quliy prformnc sndrds. rspond immdily o mrncy siuions wih snsiiviy o ddlins nd cusomr nds. ssis nwork ninrs wih insllion nd roubls hooin of ppls hr nd novll sysms.

nlyz clin quipmn nd oprions o drmin srvicin nd supply nds. monior nd minin cos-ffciv invnoris of supplis, ools nd mrils. invsi, s, nd implmn improvmns o isin procdurs. consisnly mn im nd mulipl sks o m ddlin, sblishd objcivs, nd quliy prformnc sndrds. fosr clr municions nd minin clln sff nd clin workin rlions.

1982-1988 kril ssocis, inc., schncdy, ny

--posiion:mnr of informion sysms

--rsponsibiliis:dircd nd suprvisd ll mis, rld civiis for finncil srvics firm supplyin criicl, imly informion o corpor clin bs. dminisrd dison’s 2 novll 2 nworks, mininin pk oprin fficin nd providin usr rinin for ll hrdwr nd sofwr pplicions. conrolld bud coss for purchsin nd oprions.

[] licnss nd crificions

cndid for crifid nwr ninr/c.n..* crificion in mcinosh cpu. prinr,nd powrbook rpir*crifid in okid ∓ pson lsr nd impc prinrs*crificion in hwl pckrd lsr j prinrs

chnicl pris

hrdwr proficincis:ibm:,,ps2

mcinosh*hp:ii-iiisi lsr prinrs,color plors*okid*pson*ds ocr scnnrs*sor dimnsions /o scsi driv.

nworks: ppllk*hrld*novll nwr 2,3*cblin,nods priphrls.

sofwr pplicions: dos. mcinosh oprin *ms windows 3.0,3.1*windows pplicions * cwp 5.1* word *cl*lous*wordprfc 5.1*displywri 4*quickn 3.0*pmkr 4.0* hrvrd rphics 3.3*publish/ pc ocr* nushll plus ii*prdo 3.0

noic:profssionl licnsur nd crificions dd wih o rsum.

us of boldc nd illcs provids cln nd crisp prsnion.

prsonl informion

s :ml


ddrss:no.29 bisnhun rod, ichn disric, bijin



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