[国庆节英文介绍]the national day is often taken as the date on which a state or territory achieved independence. other dates such as the country's patron saint day, or a signif...+阅读
imothy Edmonds
124 Dana Avenue,
San Jose, CA 95126
Telephone No: 408-535-1029
Email id: tim.edmonds&emspgmail.
Experienced leader with the skills to manage an anizations day-to-day operations, financial structure and ongoing corporate strategy.
Swingstar Directory Services (NASDAQ: SWGS)
San Jose, CA
Chief Executive Officer , 1998 - Present
Lead a 25M a year yellow-pages directory service pany with over 200 employees.
Conduct analyst conference calls with top Wall Street investors.
Manage an operating budget of near 50 million annually.
Oversee all merger and acquisition activity at the corporate level.
Orchestrated a significant turn-around since ing on board 4 years ago:
Sales up 20% year-over-year, with a projected 2002 run rate of 31 million.
pounded stock-price increase of 30% and more media coverage.
Reduction of 10% in operating costs by eliminating redundancies.
Recruited a top team of management tal
ent and an effective Board of Directors.
Tapped former executives of Fortune 100 panies to make a move to SWGS.
Bell North Telemunications San Francisco, CA
Executive Vice-President, Strategy 1990 - 1998
Managed all strategic initiatives for a 1 Billion in revenue Tele pany.
Oversaw over five major strategic acquisitions and implementations.
Advised other top executives on the firms strategic direction.
Sat on the panys Board of Directors.
Created all strategic roadmaps for future growth and ine.
mission business plans and market assessment studies for growth.
Worked with the CFO to devise appropriate capital financing for deals.
Other Positions Held:
Director of Corporate munications, Axtell, Inc. 1987 - 1990
Senior Auditor, Ernst and Young, 1982 - 1987
Auditor, Ernst And Young. 1977-1980
EDUCATION : Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA
MBA; Concentrations in Finance And Accounting
1980 - 1982 DePaul University
Chicago, IL BS; Accounting 1973 - 1977
高三英文毕业感言高三同学的毕业感言介绍,英文版的看过来: Dear schoolmates, As I am graduating, Id like to write this letter to express my feelings before leing school. Learning in...
用好简历敲开高门坎一、招聘人员怎样鉴别简历? 写得好,当然要保留,如果其背景又是公司急需的,可能马上就要见;写得不 好的,就会丢掉,实际上,连看都不看。任何一个知名的大公司,每天都有成百上 千人递简...
离职报告英文离职报告 英文 pany Name or Letterhead Address City, State Zip Date Addressee Address City, State Zip Dear Effective October 1, I will assume the position of dir...
撰写简历有诀窍找工作第一件事就是写简历,这是给招聘单位的一份“见面礼”,也是展示应聘者素质的一块“门面”。简历写得好坏,关系到应聘的成败。以笔者的经验,撰写简历要做到“六个避免”: 一...
简历的注意问题或易犯的错误1、 不要把所有的经历都详细地写进去,特别是一些与工作无关的历史和经验,使人读起来象自传。 2、 语言华而不实,履历表中尽是一些关于人生和社会的宏篇大论或富有激情的演说。...
关于《飘》的英文论文Last week, the American Film Institute released its list of the 100 best American films of all time. Not surprisingly, Gone with the Wind placed in the Top 10 (...
多数企业“零简历”南方都市报05月21日讯 上周六,东莞职业技术学院联合东莞理工学院、广东科技学院等五所高校举办了今年毕业生最后一场大型招聘会。346家企业参加,但一上午到现场应聘的学生甚至...