

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于考剑桥商务英语]BEC中级 经济科学出版社 这是标准教材 可以买同一个出版社出的同步辅导,练习册和教师用书配套用 BEC中级真题 人邮电出版社 第三辑 详细: BEC中级:《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(...+阅读

In general, mechanical designers need to have a certain educational background, I'm not saying non undergraduates can not, in this industry, practice important than education, we must know the courses are: geometry, mechanical drawing, material science, tolerance and coordination of mechanism, under normal circumstances, as long as ordinary people are interested in mathematical skills is not bad at the same time you can design other up, geometry and mechanism are easier to see, especially when the three-dimensional design, I used to boss (learn electricity ) from that of the mechanical line, all day long gesticulating, factory workers in technical school student of mechanical knowledge map, insist they painted mechanical design is impractical, the company Shougang done such a thing, no studied mechanical hard for people to understand tolerance selection. Materials science which is even more profound, even in general mechanical engineering graduate students are difficult to fully grasp, generally not used materials are less known.


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