[外贸产品描述帮忙翻译谢谢]PP non woven Cooler bag (PP non woven + inside Alu foil 2mm)聚丙烯无纺布冷却袋(聚丙烯无纺布+内衬2毫米铝膜)Polar fleece blanket (1.85 Kg), antipilling, fireproof a...+阅读
Sex:Femal Age:26 Native place:The Inner MongolEducation:Undergraduate School:Peking University(Self-study examination of higher education)Education Experience:1998——2002,Studied in Peking UniversityPublications and Certifications:2004 ,Got Lawyer's qualification cardRelevant Work Experience
1、2000——2002,Have worked in Chengfeng Cultural Development Co., Ltd with 2years as Legal adviser.以下 含法律专业英语较多不太明白??????(①顺利完成“朗迅中国公司”产品推广多媒体演示光盘商务合作项目全部法律文本的草拟工作。标的额15万元。②独立完成“迅达中国公司”品牌及产品推广广告项目的合同草拟工作。标的额25万元。③圆满完成“中国巨龙公司”产品推广投标项目全程法律事宜。标的额16万元。
2、2003——2005,就职于北京迪兰恒进科技有限公司,任法律顾问。主要工作业绩如下:①全面负责本公司与加拿大ATI电子公司就 “黄金版显卡系列”生产销售后续合作的法律事宜,合作期争取到15年。②曾就本公司与台湾金朔电子公司,在广东东浣合作设立生产厂的投资方式、组织模式、管理机构、利润分配、亏损分担等事宜所涉的法律问题进行设想、论证与洽谈。在1000万的投资额内,最终将本公司的投资额争取降到了2%投资,分红权争取到25%。③曾就本公司的XXXX代理商合同款拖欠一案,担任诉讼代理人,并申请执行。)
3、①2003,”Kill first case on purpose " serve as a law-agent。②2004, Open accident compensation for damage” serve as a law-agent。③2003年,就台商企业“金贺佳食品有限公司股东纠纷”予以圆满调解。Self-Estimate:I am optimistic, honest, and generous to people;I have a strong self-confident,with a careful patience and fulfil duty.Speciality:Strong skills in law about criminal and civil, Chinese writing , the office software holding and teamworks and so on。Creed:God loves the one who is fulfilled hardworkingly,
外贸产品描述帮忙翻译!谢谢!PP non woven Cooler bag (PP non woven + inside Alu foil 2mm) 聚丙烯无纺布冷却袋(聚丙烯无纺布+内衬2毫米铝膜) Polar fleece blanket (1.85 Kg), antipilling, fireproof...
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