

03月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Today is Sunday. It is 10:30 in the morning. My mother is teaching me how to cook rice. My mother says to me, “First, you must wash the rice and the pot carefully . Next, put the rice into the pot. Then, put some water in it. After that, cover the pot and put it on the cooker. Cook it for about 15 minutes. It is ok. Finally, uncover the pot and put the rice into some bowls. You can enjoy it soon


您好:learning cooking

I like cooking from i was very young,i am

always passion about making delicious dishes for my family which also

can help my parents to reduce their stress from the work.Also when i

watching the cooking program on television i think chef is a very

interesting and creative job and brings people joy from their

dishes.China has a wide range of food culture consist of many types and

flavours.this is the trigger brings me to discover more interst in







In my life there are many for the first time, such as the bus first charge card to help his mother, the first power supply bureau to pay the electricity bills ... ... but I remember most is the first time to cook. Summer vacation, a cousin to my house to play, call out my cousin all day, that food is not good, always splitting hairs. One morning, my mother suddenly announced at noon by me and the cousin to cook, we suddenly stupid, because we've never done rice. But I still bite the bullet and cousin agreed. I quickly find a recipe, a variety of recipes in the tens, we chose to do it simple and we all love to eat tomatoes scrambled eggs. We went to great lengths well be considered a food, not so easy to cook and then we no longer afraid of the picky eaters.


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