

10月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com



How to learn English better? Nowdays,English has been welcomed by more and more people.And it is the most important language in the world.But do you know how to learn it better? Well,the first thing that you should do is to trust yourself.Second,you have to prepare one notebook for making notes in English class.Third,you must review what you have learnt and do more extracurricular exercises because practice makes perfect.Next,you must read two or three newspapers,listen to some English music,watch one or two movies every day.And you can't give it up any time!So that's all I talking about.Hope my advice can help you learn English better.­本人原创。满意速速采纳,谢谢!


我复制过来的 。。。 Those who always perform outstandingly in school are frequently referred to as "top students". They are much admired by other students and much appreciated by their teachers and their parents alike. Although most of us are just average students with average intelligence, who can honestly say that he or she never has thought of becoming a top student? Many people think that top students are genius, but according to my observation, top students are just average students who have the following characteristics. To begin with, top students seem to have clear and concrete goals in their life. They know what they want and will never give up whatever difficulties they come across. Next, top students seem to have very good study habits. They listen to the teachers attentively and answer the teachers' questions actively in class and do what the teachers ask them to do after class. They read other books related to the subject to widen their scope of knowledge. Finally, top students seem to have a wide variety of interests. They engage themselves in att kinds of activities. As a result, they atso excel in other aspects. I am also determined to become a top student. I witt regard the top students as my rote models and witt go out of my way to get to know them and learn from them.


my name is xxx ,i am a beautifull boy,i am from guang xi yu ling ,i do not like english ,i like our china . I study very hard every day. I like going to school because I'm eager to learn. I enjoy learning English. It's my favorite class. I like to make friends and I get along with everyone.thinks you.


Englishisoneofthemostimportantsubjectsinmiddleschool. AlmosteveryoneknowsthatweshouldlearnEnglishwell,butfewofusknowhowtolearnitwell.KarlMarxhassetagoodexampleforus.Heoncesaid,"Whenoneislearningaforeignlanguage,hemustusetheforeignlanguage."Inthisway,hecoulduseseverallanguages.Asayinggoes,"Practicemakesperfect."WhenwelearnEnglish,weshouldreadmore,speakmore,listentoEnglishfromtimetotimeandpractisewritingeveryday.Don'tbeafraidofmakingmistakes.Onlyinthiswaycanwelearnitwell 第一篇: InordertolearnEnglishwell,youshouldkeeppracticingitasmuchaspossible.ThereareseveralgoodmethodstohelpyouwiththeEnglishstudy.First,youmaytakenotesofanymistakemadebyyou,soastogetfamiliarwiththecorrectusageoftheEnglishlanguage.Secondly,it'simportanttocultivateyouabilities,especiallytheabilityofreadingcomprehension.ByreadingmoreEnglishmaterials,youwillbuildyoursenseofEnglishbyandby.Thirdly,trytoformarecitinghabit.Well-writtenparagraphsareworthreciting.Bymemorizingthem,youwillfindthatwritingEnglisharticlesisnotsodifficult.Lastbutnotthelest,youshouldalwaysuseadictionarywithbothChineseandEnglishexplanations.Itwilltellyouthenuancesbetweenthesetwobeautifullanguages.第二篇: YouneedtwothingstolearnEnglishwell—passionandeffectivelearningmethods—andpassionisthemoreimportantone. LearningEnglishalsorequiresaction.Youmayknowallthelearningtips,butifyoudon''tstartdoingthings,youwillachievenothing.Asayinggoes,"Practicemakesperfect."WhenwelearnEnglish,weshouldreadmore,speakmore,listentoEnglishfromtimetotimeandpractisewritingeveryday.IfyoucanformthehabitofthinkingandwritinginEnglishallday,youaresuretograspthespiritofEnglishandwillbeabletoreadworksinEnglishwithinashortperiodoftime. Don'tbeafraidofmakingmistakesorbeinglaughedat.Onlyinthiswaycanwelearnitwell.





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