

01月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[多边形内角的求解技巧]1、多边形的每个内角与和它相邻的外角互为补角。这个条件在题目中一般不会作为已知条件给出,因此,在解题时应根据需要加以利用。 例1 一个正多边形的每个内角都比与它相邻的外...+阅读

Computation Exercises:

1. Generate a stationary process AR(2) denoted by . Suppose that

Here, the parameters of are determined by yourselves. Then generate a white noise with the variance . The received signal is

with a variable SNR. Put the received the signal to a Wiener-filter, the length of the filter is N. And the output is denoted by .

① Study on the relationship between the cost function and SNR of the signal, provided the length of the Wiener-filter is given.

② Study on the relationship between the cost function and length of the filter, provided the SNR is given.

③. When one-step prediction is done, how about the cost function varies with the SNR and length of the Wiener-filter.


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