

01月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求助帮我解答英语题小升初的英语题]1、当别人向你问路时,当你告诉他路线后,为表示肯定你可以说: You can't miss it.(什么意思,不要按字面翻译)意思是:你肯定能找到那个地儿。 2. The Summer Palace is very beautifu...+阅读

您好:For the healthy growth of children,

parents should give full of love, but the kids love becomes excessive

indulgence, and spoil, and indulge in children's health is harmful.

These children grew up, difficult to adapt to the normal social life and

competitive environment, and may produce behavior problems.Some parents

to their children "deeply worries and spoil the child". The so-called

"spoil the child" is that child doesn't have become parents to

education, or it is the root cause of the problem, or parents. Parents

should reflect: we give the children what kind of education and

influence, the child really lack? A child is the lack of comprehensive

seems the following aspects of education:1 the lofty ideal, lack of

education. There are many children want to grow "when the boss", "when

the big officer", actually this is parents (and some social thoughts in

children eager).2, the lack of education ideas. From the parents of

moral behavior reflected on the influence of the concept of children is

not underestimate.3, lack of good habits. If parents without reading

habit of learning, and to treat gifts, beer and skittles relish, this is

not required children study hard.4 and lack of setback education. The

children of parents spoiling children live like "prince" or "princess",

and indulge in more than children may not have bundle, strong ability of

setbacks, also hard to overcome the difficulties and coastal road







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