[国网公司一纸证明]国网一纸证明【1】 日前,巨邦电气集团顺利通过了国家电网公司供应商资质能力核实,获得《供应商资质能力核实证明》,简称一纸证明。 本次审核,国家电网公司首先要求我司采取网上...+阅读
收入证明英文 1
xxPhosphate Fertilizer Factory,founded in Noverber,1998 with registered capital CNY 2,300,000, is a individual enterprise. The factory mainly produces phosphate fertilizer and pig iron, and contributes near CNY1,000,00 taxation to the state every year.
Mr. xxis the owner as well as the director of the factor. His after tax ine in recent three years are specialized as follows:
Monthly salary CNY 6,000, Year-end bonus CNY 120,000, Yearly total ine CNY 192,000.
xxPhosphate Fertilizer Factory
10 June 20xx
收入证明英文 2
Certification of Employment and Ine
Here is the certification of the past two years employment and ine of Ms XXXXX, who was born on July 26th, 1957, and who has served as the General Manager of XXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. Wujiang Branch since December 30th, 2007. In 2008, her total ine including bonus and allowance was around 300,000 RMB. And during the past five months of 2009, her ine including bonus and allowance was around 150,000 RMB.
收入证明英文 3
Ine Declaration
This is to certify that our pany staff, XXX who hails from Huailai county, Hebei Province, I/C no. xx-xxx-xxx-x, has been working in the staff hospital of 4th Division of 4th Railway Bureau in Hefei City for___years since 19xx. At present, he is the principal physician in the department of stomatology of our hospital.
XXXs recent 5 years ine are as follows:
Year Monthly Salary Annual Salary
Contact Person
Address: staff hospital of 4th Division of 4th Railway Bureau
Zhangwa road, Hefei City, Anhui Province.
Ine Certificate
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