编者按: 英文简历一向是困扰中国学生的难题,很多人都是套用中文简历的模式,将中文翻译过去,用来凑数,毕竟如果是找国内的企业,英文简历多数不过是用来装门面而已。但如果要应聘外企的话,您可就得在简历上多下点功夫了。简历网推出一些原版英文简历,供大家参考使用。
peter did stevens
university of texas at austin
1 university station - c2369
austin, tx 78712
(512) 555-3454
: .utexas.edu/
bachelor of business administration in marketing
university of texas, austin, tx, may 2002
college and graduate school of business
major: marketing; minor: spanish
cumulative gpa: 3.8
professional skills
entrepreneurial: designed, published and promoted 35-page marketing web site.
established, managed, and sold lawn service consisting of 20 clients.
founded and maintained car detailing service responsible for 25 clients.
professional sales: telemarketed as an order-taker for longhorn tire supply, which involved learning and implementing sales presentation and conflict-resolution skills.
performed cold, door-to-door sales calls to obtain clientele for a deli delivery route and landscape service pany.
solicited austin business professionals for donations and sponsorships of ut crew, club hispanic, and gee bush hall events.
munications: posed business news articles as an intern and authored editorial articles as a freelance columnist for the texas business weekly.
drafted professional letters for the texas bureau for pliance monitoring and a financial assistance proposal for the austin rotary club in an academic internship with the migrant farm workers association.
performed reading, writing, and speaking activities in spanish while participating in a language immersion program in costa rica, a latin american studies trip in guatemala, and a business internship program in ecuador.
multicultural: developed integrated marketing plan for sale of services to latin american municipalities through internship program in ecuador.
participated in spanish immersion program in san josé, costa rica, while living with a local family and attending a language school for one month.
interacted with mayan indians to observe their cultural norms and study their language for two weeks through a latin american studies trip to guatemala.
who's who among students in american universities
national honor society: 4 semesters
dean's list: 4 semesters
honor roll: 2 semesters
activities resident assistant, ut department of residential life
general member, ut alumni association
rower, ut crew team
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