[雅思作文求修改求评分]文章写得很不错,除了一些小错误。it is believed that there is an inevitable trend that people,ranging from (加the) wealthy to the poor,are more likely to suffer from...+阅读
虽然是初夏的午后,却也是蝉声如织。坐在教室里,眼睛却漫不经心的瞥向窗外:低年级的学弟学妹们正在一遍一遍的练习着广播体操,虽然有些许的厌烦,却也很认真。看着一个个跳跃的身影变得越来越模糊,回忆开始以排山倒海之势向我涌来:这不正是当年的我们么? “都给我听好了!”体育老师正色到,"学校下周有个大课间活动,你们必须参加。到时候你们是主角,镜头会记录下你们的每一个动作,所以,从现在开始练习,直到我满意为止!"于是,就这样,在烈日炎炎下,我们就一遍又一遍的练习着。老师则虎视眈眈的巡视着,不厌其烦的纠正着。直到我们都精疲力竭的时候,老师才恨铁不成钢的说了一句:"原地休息两分钟!"不知怎的,老师让我们做操的两分钟总是特别的漫长,而休息的两分钟确实度分如秒。短暂的休息后,我们又开始了紧张而有序的练习。平日里的45分钟在今天却像是过了一个世纪那么久。终于,下课的铃声飘荡在了学校上空。大家感慨:终于等到你,还好我没放弃………然而我们的兴奋,等来的却是老师的一句:"下来个我认真地练习!"我们以为老师只是随便说说,所以都没在意。...
雅思改小作文。希望改一下评下分首段过于简单了。表述上没有特色(词汇或句式上),以下是自己写的, 倒不是说就多好,但至少可以参考一下。thegiven two bar charts compare the number of marriages and divorces...
雅思作文求批改原题见图片楼主,我就不给你数字数了哈。看起来没150,那样就直接就大打扣分哦。考官懒的很,明明扣不了那么多的。。。。。 我还是先帮你看看语法哈: 1. the electricity usage volume。N+N...
雅思大作文范文楼主,你好,我这里有一篇雅思大作文范文,相信对你有用。 雅思作文高分范文:职业专家比明星对社会的贡献大,因此要多收入,同意吗? 本文是一篇8分的雅思作文高分范文,文章中有许多的高...
跪求一篇雅思大作文!Nowadays, students in some countries who have graduated from high school prefer to work or (TO)travel for a year before they (ATTEND)university. But in the mean...
雅思写作大作文高分范文:国际旅游是不是一件坏事雅思写作大作文高分范文:国际旅游是不是一件坏事?In some countries, people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their country. What are the reasons...
求范文雅思写作哪篇都行International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places.At the same time,there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment.Do...
英语作文雅思作文1. For ordinary people, it is not necessary for them to be rich to help others 1) money is not necessarily concerned in helping people 2) one's care and time mi...
雅思图表题写作中数字对比常用的模板句子有哪些同学您好:There was a (very) sudden/ rapid/ dramatic/significant/ sharp/ steep/ steady/ gradual/ slow/ slight + increase/ jump/rise/ decrease/ drop/ fall/ fluctua...
图表写作作文模板有哪些一、图表写作 As is shown in the chart / graph / diagram / table above, __________ has charged drastically in the past _________。 While ___________,now the perc...