
my earth hour 2015英语作文

01月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[作文:我家乡的路。以路为主题]我家乡的路 那是一条孤独的小路,很多年前,就已经躺在那里了。来源:作文网它既是通往我家的唯一小路,也是通往家乡的唯一小路。(短短的文字却让我们感受到了你对小路浓浓的感情) 在...+阅读

My Earth Hour 2011

The Earth Hour was from 8:30pm to 9:30 pm on Saturday, March 26th this year. At the time, I was thrilled. But I didn't take part in this activity, because when it started, I had started studying penmanship with my friends in teacher's home.

But in everyday I do it batter, I have been walking to school. It is good for our health. I let my parents to drive less. And I have been save water.

The Earth Hour activity is important. If we take part in this, I believe that we can make our earth a better place to live in.


I plan to spend Earth Hour lamenting the warm weather here in Fort Collins.

We are going canoeing by moonlight during Earth Hour and plan to use no fossil fuels- other than those which were used to make the canoe, the paddles, our clothing, the food we ate, our drinks, the glasses, the electricity powering our phones and wireless network, and those which were used to construct the dam.

The primary purpose of Earth Hour is to demonstrate that progressives can't do without fossil fuels for more than a few minutes.


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