

01月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[2010高考作文题目及范文全国二卷]2010全国卷2高考作文题:阅读下边的材料,写一篇不少于800字的文章,今年世界读书日这天网上展开了关于浅阅读的行动。 阅读下边的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章,今年世界读...+阅读

My ideal roomMy ideal room should be like this. For one thing, the room must be big and the ceiling must be high; for another, a good air conditioner must be set. Besides I would like to paint this room with the colours of cake, of sea, and of snow. I also would have two windows, one facing the east, one the west. A big, comfortable bed is what I pursue all the time. I would put a big, soft, heart-sized bed at the heart of this room. On the bed, and around the bed, various dolls I would put. In addition, a piano, with the colour of wood, I would place on the right side. Further more, on the left side, I would have a big table to place my beloved laptopper and loudspeakers. Next to the table, I would put an exquisite tea table, on which I will put many delicious dim sums. Oh! I love this roomMy Ideal BedroomI want a perfect room which is relative to me,i wish the wall plus Window to set up the sound insulation,then i will no more worry about the noise pollution Outside。e799bee5baa6e78988e69d8331333335343965In addition,Window is of the antisunlight glass and i will never be disturbed by sun。The next is to install an air conditioner to ensure that i can breathe fresh air。Of course,man is of enjoyment to live。My ideal room, with a computer desk, blue ocean the same wall, as there is a comfortable big bed, a table next to the, let me put a writing, for example; Books and so on.


高中话题作文题目理解求范文请大虾帮忙学会倾听别人的意见,学会赏识别人,学会接纳别人,你会发现生活更加有意思,而且别人也会更加喜欢你。 不要过高地要求别人,别试图把一切事情都做得滴水不漏,只要找,总会找到缺点的,这...

高中话题作文题目:理解求范文请大虾帮忙!学会倾听别人的意见,学会赏识别人,学会接纳别人,你会发现生活更加有意思,而且别人也会更加喜欢你。 不要过高地要求别人,别试图把一切事情都做得滴水不漏,只要找,总会找到缺点的,这...

那些有趣的中高考作文题目难忘的一句话 我们班可谓是人才济济,强手如云。在这个班级里,我算是一个名副其实的“丑小鸭”了。 我羡慕范潇龙雄辩的口才,老师刚提问他就举手;我羡慕陈燕婷娟秀的字迹;我羡慕陈...


高中作文题目及范文打开了时间大门,时光开始倒流了。我又回到天真的童年。童年是一片没有莠草、污秽的净土,是一片无遮无拦、明郎的天空。这里流淌着纯真和甜美,总会使人产生美好的回忆。 有一次,...

我理想中的房屋作文我有一间自己的小房间。 这个房间里有书、玩具、学习用品、床、衣服……我经常在这里看书、写作业、睡觉……也经常在这里幻想。 我想假如我的房间有“魔幻小窗”,我就能想变...

英语作文 My dream house您好!我的回答是: My dream house is a very big villa, it is near the sea. The best thing to do is to build in a small island alone on the island, from the city ver...

我的梦想小屋作文嘿!大家好,你们知道我梦想中的小屋是什么样的吗?跟着我一起遨游吧! 一跨进这个小屋,留给你的第一印象就是赞叹。确实,那湛蓝的墙壁,深蓝的地毯看上去纯净又神秘,墙上还有白色的波浪,...

我的梦中居所作文600字在我梦里有一个家 那里的一切带有阳光的气息 湖泊安静的流淌 荡开落花的香 泉水在透明的空气里宁静的歌唱 滑过鹅卵石的滑腻 树林遮挡着阳光的茂密 间隙里透过温暖的气息 叫...
