

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[国庆节英语作文加翻译]国庆节英语作文加翻译【1】 每年的十月一日是一年一度的国庆节,是我们伟大祖国母亲的生日.伴随着风风雨雨,我们的母亲祖国已经61周岁了,这一天,举国上下都在欢度庆祝这一节...+阅读

Nowadays advertisments can be seen everywhere:in pubs and buses,in newspapers and magazines,on TV screens and play grounds.It's more and more difficult for you to resist the attraction ofcolourful advertisements.There is a great deal to be said in favour of advertising.First,it provides information.The customer is told what is available on the market and how one product differs from another.Secondly,a wide range of activities and institutions receive financial support we would have to pay much more for newspapers


经典英语广告词20个1.Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡) 2.Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 3.The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) 4.We lead. Ot...

中秋节英语作文加翻译中秋节英语作文加翻译【1】 August 15th in Chinese Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. On that d...

圣诞节的来历英语加翻译12月25日的圣诞节是庆祝基督教创始人耶稣基督生日的日子, 是美国最大、人们最喜爱的节日。 据基督教徒的圣书《圣经》说,上帝决定让他的独生子耶稣基 督投生人间,找个母亲,然后...

春节英语日记60词带翻译50篇Today is an annual Chinese New Year,the first day of the new year,the traditional festival of China.At this day,everyone has a happy reunion ,the families round...

母亲节英语作文带翻译60一80字mother's day is coming, i want to give mom a surprise, my mother is not easy to work every day, looking at his tired face inside my heart is very not the taste,...

初一英语广告词作文40词翻译My Clothes Store sale Come and buy your clothes at My Clothes Store.We have many good things at very good prices.Do you need T-shirts?We have T-shirts in all co...

十个广告词加一个赏析(1)德芙巧克力——牛奶香浓,丝般感受 [赏析]本广告语之所以称得上经典,在于那个“丝般感受”的心理体验。用丝绸来形容巧克力细腻的感觉,意境高远,想象丰富。本广告语充分利用联...

日化店国庆给顾客群发短信不超过60字1、美丽的早晨,灿烂的你,美好的生活在等你!美丽的天气,美好的你,美好情意滋润你!愉快的心情陪伴你!国庆快乐! 2、国庆佳节,举国同庆,一庆祖国越来越昌盛,二庆日子越过越红火,三庆心情越...

求一篇英语短文关于广告的利与弊 60词左右急急急!还要翻译A:What do you think of advertisements? B:Well, there are both advantages and disadvantages. A:I guess you are right. But sometimes they are really annoying, we...
