[怎么才能快速的学好英语]先说一些学习方法,第二段为考试方面的学习建议:1.收听英语气象报告 2.善用录音带锻炼听说能力 3.听正常语速的英语,才能加速听力的进步 4.从电视,电影中学习英语 5.和朋友表演影...+阅读
Business English:Holding meetings in English 用英语主持会议The Structure of a Meeting 会议的结构One of the most common requirements of business English is holding meetings in English.The following sections provide useful language and phrases for conducting meetings and making contributions to a meeting.Meetings generally follow a more or less similar structure and can be divided into the following parts:I - IntroductionsOpening the MeetingWelcoming and Introducing ParticipantsStating the Principal Objectives of a MeetingGiving Apologies for Someone Who is AbsentII - Reviewing Past BusinessReading the Minutes (notes) of the Last MeetingDealing with Recent DevelopmentsIII - Beginning the MeetingIntroducing the AgendaAllocating Roles (secretary,participants)Agreeing on the Ground Rules for the Meeting (contributions,timing,decision-making,etc.)IV - Discussing ItemsIntroducing the First Item on the AgendaClosing an ItemNext ItemGiving Control to the Next ParticipantV - Finishing the MeetingSummarizingFinishing UpSuggesting and Agreeing on Time,Date and Place for the Next MeetingThanking Participants for AttendingClosing the MeetingThe following pages focus on each part of the meeting and the appropriate language for each situation.Running a Meeting 主持会议The following phrases are used to conduct a meeting.These phrases are useful if you are called on to conduct a meeting.Opening 宣布会议开始Good morning/afternoon,everyone.If we are all here,let's get started / start the meeting / start.Welcoming and Introducing 欢迎和介绍出席人员Please join me in welcoming (name of participant)We're pleased to welcome (name of participant)I'd like to extend a warm welcome to (name of participant)It's a pleasure to welcome (name of participant)I'd like to introduce (name of participant)Stating the Principal Objectives 阐明会议主要议题We're here today to ...I'd like to make sure that we ...Our main aim today is to ...I've called this meeting in order to ...Giving Apologies for Someone Who is Absent 对缺席者表示遗憾I'm afraid..,(name of participant) can't be with us today.She is in...Unfortunately,(name of participant) ...will not be with us to day because he ...I have received apologies for absence from (name of participant),who is in (place).Reading the Minutes (notes) of the Last Meeting 宣读上次会议记要To begin with I'd like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting.First,let's go over the report from the last meeting,which was held on (date)Here are the minutes from our last meeting,which was on (date)Dealing with Recent Developments 询问近期动态Jack,can you tell us how the XYZ project is progressing?
如何快速学好英语如何更好学好高中英语? 一,须相信自己,再者好好对自己有信心。 二,准备好以下东西:课堂笔记本,一台MP3/MP4,英文报纸,完形填空,阅读理解,优秀作文杂选。 三,上课须记好笔记,课后须好好复...
怎样能快速的学好英语那要靠你自己努力了,你得没天背下几个单词,背多点后再去找英语好的或英语老师去实践,看看自己已经好到什么程度了,如果还不够,就多加努力. 另外,记忆的黄金时间是上午6:00-10:00,下...
怎么样快速学好英语一、学好英文必须静下心来,日积月累,切不可急功近利。 必须静下心来,从一词一句开始积累,多听、多说、多读,长年坚持,必有收获。因为学习外语的时间和对其掌握的熟练程度成正比,也...
怎样才能快速的学好英语1.找个人跟你一起说英语,这是培养兴趣也是保持学习状态的好方法,不要怕说错; 2.坚持每天背背新单词,复习旧单词,有助于巩固,还有选择一些短小精悍的短文,多读,多背; 3.有条件的话,可以...
什么方法能快速学好英语学好英语要做到四个字:听、说、读、写 听:最好在早上听上半个小时左右的英语听力,坚持每天 听,时间不要太长,半个小时足够,坚持是最重要的。 听力材料不要买太难的,循序渐进,从简单...
怎样快速地学好英语方法是自己总结出来的,看看这个,或许对你还有帮助 1:背单词.长久的来说,你每天能背20个单词.就可以保证你以后英语很牛 2:多说,尽量找英语好的人或者外教,有条件也可以到聊天室,.尽...
怎样学英语最快最有效怎样学英语最快最有效 1. 坚持不懈,从不间断。每天至少看 10-15 分钟的英语,早晨和晚上是学英语的最好时间。 2.方法要灵活多样。一种方式学厌了,可以变换其他的方式,以便学而不...
怎样快速学英语一、培养学习英语的兴趣 爱因斯坦曾经说过:“兴趣和爱好是最好的老师”。浓厚的学习兴趣,可以使人集中力量,深入思考。如果让你去做一件你毫无兴趣的事,你根本无法做好,任何事如...