

01月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁能给我一些英文表达爱意的句子]1) Do you have a map? Because I just keep losing in your eyes. 你有地图么?因为我刚在你的眼神中迷失了. 2) Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was ou...+阅读


Dear Sirs,

We learnt throught the (杂志名称) that you are finding the (要找的东西). Therefore we enclose here our illustrated catalogue and price-list.

It is hoped that by our joint efforts we can promote business as well as friendship.

Your early reply will be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

这封信后边要附上 你公司的带插图的目录和报价单


关于诚信的名人名言英文版的言不信者,行不果 ————墨子 民无信不立 ————孔子 没有诚实哪来尊严 ————西塞罗 真话说一半常是弥天大谎 ————富兰克林 诚者,天之道也;思诚者,人之道也 ————...

求一段感人感伤感动的英文句子诗歌也行最好附带中文翻译In life we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream andan unforgettable love. ------ 人的一生,都有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回的遗...


最后的最后英文翻译是什么最后的最后英文:the last of the last last 读法 英 [lɑːst] 美 [læst] 1、n. 末尾,最后;上个;鞋楦(做鞋的模型) 2、adj. 最后的;最近的,最新的;仅剩的;最不可能…的 3、vi. 持续;维...

最后的用英文写急急急!!这些形容词均有“最终的,最后的”之意。 final: 指到达终点,多含果断、明确或最后终结的强烈意味。 last: 指一系列事物的最后一个,可表示次序、顺序或时间。 ultimate: 较正式用...

中文谚语英文翻译1.眼见为实 To see is to believe 2.循序渐进 Learn to walk before you run. or Creep before you walk. or Knowledge advances by steps not by leaps. 3.生命不息,希望存...

中文谚语翻译成英文1 things 2 example is better than precept Three wise, pound foolish Four days a silver lining 5 a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit 6 do in Rome as the Roma...

帮忙写个英语函电信件高分哦不要太少字Dear Sir/Madam, Through the introduction of your commercial counselor in Colombo, we understand that your company is in the market of exporting machinery , and...

求英语函电作文To whom may concern: main content: Your 10,000pcs leather handbag order on 18th We acknowledged your letter of requesting that insure the captioned goods for 12...
