[请英语好的同学和老师帮我翻译一下几个句子]1、【原文】公安战士用热血和忠诚,编织了千家万户的幸福和美满,千家万户的欢乐和温馨 1、【译文】With blood and loyalty, police soldiers contribute to happiness and con...+阅读
By the introduction of natural light and those of the urban environment and isolation of simple geometry, I created a complex space。 I have the most extraordinary into the ordinary familiar environment - housing, and prompted a new awareness of ordinary people。 I hope I go beyond the building on the geometry of the physical size limits。 I want people to ask ourselves what is the living wake-up call for people living in the physical sense。 Individual enclosure and open space, on the aggregate created a whole。 This is not merely a partial polymerization, these are not subject to local external control。 The single design element is the basis of individual elements and the overall relations between the always be involved in that reflect this from within the development process。
请大家帮我一下非常感谢!(1)甲:15天;乙:10天;丙:30天。 (2)交由乙队单独完成,只花8000元。 过程: 解:(1)『甲乙两队合作需6天完成』 得:甲乙合作效率为1/6; 同理:乙丙效率为2/3除以5=2/15 甲丙效率为1/10 (甲为x,...
谁能帮我翻译一下On 10th, July, I took part in the activities in the English Summer Camp. I had a good time. I went to the English Corner and learned many English words. I also...
请帮我翻译一下收入证明英文谢谢Income Declaration This is to certify that our company staff, XXX who hails from Huailai county, Hebei Province, I/C no. xxxxxxxxx, has been working in the staf...
请帮我翻译一下这首诗译文: 踏过江水去采莲花,到兰草生长的沼泽地采兰花。 采了花要送给谁呢 想要送给那远在故乡的爱妻。 回想起故乡的爱妻,却又长路漫漫遥望无边无际。 飘流异乡两地相思,怀念爱妻...
请哪位英语高手帮我翻译一篇医学论文摘要Objective: To observe the use of central venous catheter to closed drainage with traditional silicone tube closed thoracic drainage for spontaneous pneumothorax...
请日语高手回答一下几个问题帮我翻译下顺便说一下括号里的用1、第一个句子我无法翻译,总觉得前后不搭,但是可以告诉你ことには的用法 vないことには如果不,要是不 例:先生がこないことにはクラスは始まらない。老是不来就没法开始上课。 2...
帮我翻译一下要专业实语video(录像,视频)、computer(电脑)、my source/doc.camera(我的照相机资料)、aspect(方面,方位)、auto(自动的)、search(搜索)、blank(空白的)、magnify(放大)、freeze(冻结)、page up(页上移)、do...
急!请英语达人帮我翻译一下父母的工作证明和工资证明Prove XXX, male, XXXX was born in X, XXXX X months to participate in the work of undergraduate education, is currently decorated XXX City Management Office Depu...
高人啦!谁能帮我想一下舞蹈节目主持串词我不是高人,所以帮不了你。。不过也为高人说两句。您这题目,难度太高了,,,超出一般正常范围了。。估计高人也回答不了。。主要问题如下: 1、“大气、好看”,所以做开场舞,就对了。但...