
写短文哦 50字

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[怎么写自我鉴定哦]给你个模板,自己改改吧,呵呵! 我是渤海大学信息科学与工程学院的一名应届毕业生。所学的专业是计算机科学与技术,是师范专业。我性格开朗、办事稳重、善于思考、自学能力强,易于...+阅读

The Weather of ShangHaiShangHai is in the east of China, it is hot in the summer, but is is not so cold in the winter. I can not see the snow in ShangHai. ShangHai has much raining in the whole year, so the air is very wet . It is not a good feeling.But ShangHai's sunshine is wonderful, people are like to go outside when the sun is smiling....


根据以下写一段短文不少于50字dear Lucy, I can't meet you at the airport. Please come here by yourself. I tell you the way to my house. YOu start from the airport by taxi. You pass by a Gard...

赞美母亲的短文怎么写母亲,我知道 只要有太阳光耀的大地 你的微笑就永远存在 与土地接触的母亲 与庄稼亲吻的母亲呵 你身上散发的阳光味道 铸就了你金属的性格 记录着你的坚强与执著 母亲,我知道...

怎样写遵守交通规则的短文行万里平安路 做百年长乐人 但愿人长久 千里路畅通 人生美好 步步小心 路无规不畅 国无法不宁 狭路相逢“让”者胜 处罚违章不留情 看似无情最深情 爱妻爱子爱家庭 无视交规...


你牛就写出来是写英语作文哦!My dream is to be a teacher.If I became a teacher,I will work with children.I love children,so I'll be happy.I'll also go to work in the mountain villages.The c...

帮忙写个英语函电信件高分哦不要太少字Dear Sir/Madam, Through the introduction of your commercial counselor in Colombo, we understand that your company is in the market of exporting machinery , and...

英语制订下周行事历并写短文My plan for the next weekend I maked my next weekend's plan. Do you want to know? Let me tell you. On Saturday moring ,I'm doing my homework. And in the afterno...

如何拯救地球用英语写一篇短文How to save the earth?The environmental pollution is worse and worse /more and more seriously today .Water is polluted we have no clean water to drink Many tree...

求一些谜语附带答案哦最好是哦比较难的一人腰上挂把弓,猜一字 答案是:夷 一口吃掉牛尾巴,猜一个字 答案是:告 一口咬定,猜一字 答案是: 交 一大二小,猜一个字 答案是:奈 一斗米,猜一个字 答案是:料 一月七日,猜一个字 答案是...
