
求旅游日记英文版 50词初中水平ok

02月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[旅游邀请函英文]在某些国家,办理旅游签证地需要邀请函的。那么旅游邀请函英文范文该怎么写呢?下面是小编为大家整理的旅游邀请函英文范文,希望对大家有帮助。 旅游邀请函英文范文篇一 Dear ,...+阅读

Today,I had a pleased trip.

The sun rised in the east,this was a comfortable morning,birds sang in the trees,sunshine was so warm that I knew summer was in the air.

The mountains were so high,and I felt it made me strong.The rivers were so clean,I felt it made me throw away all my vexation.How wonderful the nature it is!

As time went by,we went back to home.On my way home,I thought I must have a great trip.

I was so happy today and the nature made me know what the life was.

要选我哦!!~ (嘀咕:打得好辛苦的,加点分吧亲爱的楼主~)


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