The little girl liked wearing a red coat. So everybody called her Little Red Coat. One day, her grandma had a cold. Her mother said to Little Red Coat, “my dear, send some bananas and cakes to your grandma.” As she walked through the forest, a wolf saw her, “Hello, litter girl. Where are you going?” “I'm going to my grandma's house. She has got a cold.” Said Little Red Coat. “Where does she live?” asked the wolf. “She lives in the house near the forest. There are some big trees in front of her house.” Said Little Red Coat. “Bye-bye, little girl.” The wolf ran to the grandma's house. Grandma asked, “Who is it?” “It's me, Little Red Coat.” said the wolf. “Come in, please.” The big wolf opened the door and walked into the room. He ate Grandma up. He put on Grandma's coat and trousers. Then he lay in bed. Little Red Coat walked into her grandma's room. “What big eyes you have got, Grandma!” she said. “Because I want to see your pretty face.”said the wolf. “What a big mouth you have got, Grandma!”she said. “Because I want to eat you, my dear.”said the wolf. “Oh, no!”cried the little girl. The bad wolf ate Little Red Coat, too. The wolf was sleeping on Grandma's bed. At this time, a hunter came and saw the wolf. “What a big stomach he has got! Grandma must be in his stomach.”thought the hunter. The hunter cut open the wolf. Grandma and Little Red Coat were still alive. They jumped out of the wolf. Grandma and Little Red Coat were very happy. “Thank you.”they said to the hunter.
谁有既简单又好笑的小品佟湘玉,秀才,小郭,大嘴,老刑,老白 中午。客栈内。 湘玉:秀才,把这两天的帐给我看一下。 秀才:帐,所谓帐,子曾经曰过…… 湘玉:别曰曰了,交帐! 秀才(紧张指屋内):掌柜的……电脑……大嘴……...
谁有关于安全的小品锣鼓声中走上台,新春佳节乐开怀。 安全生产不能忘,————说起来。 职工家属都知道,煤矿安全很重要。 各项工作它为首,————天字号! 安全连着你我他,利国利企又利家。 职工家...
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谁有搞笑的校园小品三人:耶! 团支书:你们怎么可以这样啊?你们这样对得起党,对得起国家,对得起人民,对得起你们老母吗?对得起----我吗? 小艾若有所感:妈! 团支书:哎! 小艾:占我便宜! 团支书:纯属意外!music! (之类...
谁有小品心里医生的台词《失恋男看心理医生》的台词 A:世上有四种傻人——恋爱不成上吊的,没病没灾吃药的,见我这个帅哥不乱叫的,看这小品不笑的。我看今天到场的有这样的人不?要听我这么说,你还不笑啊?!有...
谁有安全方面的小品剧本安全故事小剧本 人物:爸爸(爸)、妈妈(妈)、歆歆(歆)、筱薰(薰)、筱佩(佩)、犯人(犯)。 布景:歆歆的家里,电视和空调都开着。(筱薰、筱佩去歆歆家,和他们全家在看电视。) 画外音:来电话啦!来电话...
谁有流行音乐小品剧本啊小林子----B,月月----C; 丫丫----D. 舞台设置:教官十分着急的大步迈出场,新生四人准备从右边上场。 教官:眼看就要阅兵了,可咱们排的那四个刺头,就是不给我好好练;那个“菜刀”,没事...
校园搞笑小品剧本谁有《皇帝的新装》课本剧剧本 人物: 皇帝 宫女 侍从 老大臣 官员 骗子甲 骗子乙 观众甲 观众乙 小孩 (台上布置:台右角放一报架作织机,台正中置一坐椅,台左角立一衣架,架上挂满各式衣...