

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[有没有英文版的外贸函电范文]SPECIMEN:ASKING FOR LOWERING THE PRICE Dear Sirs, RE:COUNTER-OFFER FOR BICYCLES Thank you for your letter about the offer for the captioned bicycles。 Although...+阅读

Risks other(than)All Risks and War Risk can be covered if the extra premium should be borne by the buyer

We trust the mentioned shipment will reach you(at)sound condition


A.option, lot (at our option)

A.in, in




外贸!请根据以下内容帮我写外贸函电!急用!谢谢!Dear ___, Good day! We are interested in importing your garden chairs named swan. Please offer us CIF price, discount and delivery detailed information. If cata...

急!帮忙写一份外贸函电作文!谢!Dear sirs, Our market survey informs us that you are a big buyer of Cotton Piece Goods. As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we take...

女生朋友过生日送什么花只是一般的朋友懂得花弃知识的麻烦告诉如果仅仅是好朋友,有几个建议: 1不要用百合、玫瑰等表达感情相对强烈的花材,即使是她特别喜欢也不要用 2不要送可以长时间保留的花,比如盆花,尤其是对方已经有男朋友更不要送,但如...

外贸函电如何给客人回邮件请大家帮帮忙看起来很好耶要是我的话我就这样回:dear sir,thank you for you are interested in our products,(降降你们公司的特点)i am waiting your good news,and then if you have any...

外贸函电中产品有问题怎么回复外贸函电Dear XXX, Sorry to hear that you told me our products have some imperfections. Would you please take picture to show that and collect the quantity of inferior g...

求外贸函电关于重新报盘的英文范文Dear Mr.***/Ms.***, Thank you very much for your reply. Regarding to your request of some discount of our offer,i have confirmed with my boss(你也可以说其他人员)a...

请帮忙写一篇英文函电展开全部 Dear Sirs, We learnt throught the (杂志名称) that you are finding the (要找的东西). Therefore we enclose here our illustrated catalogue and price-list. It...

外贸函电问题请高手帮我写一篇外贸函电的回盘要求如图我来给你写一个吧! Well rcvd yr quotation and appraciate that you are interest in our tea. Enclosed pls find fresh catalog and list of our price, and kindly be no...

外贸请根据以下内容帮我写外贸函电急用谢谢Dear ___, Good day! We are interested in importing your garden chairs named swan. Please offer us CIF price, discount and delivery detailed information. If cata...
