

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com


To mom,Hey mom, i havent been talking to you for so long. how are you? please dont worry about me. the school in bejing is good. i have been studying very hard recently. i met a new friend named Rose from my friend's party. she is from California, America. Her whole family came here with her. she is now studying in bejing university to learn chinese. but she is not very fluent in it so far. she is very beautiful and active. she likes to talk to me a lot. this is really helpful to us because we are both improving in english and chinese. anyways, i miss you very much. hope i will see you soon. good bye from hua, li...



帮我写篇伤感日志1℃的温暖 一对夫妻面对突如其来的经济变化,那一年的冬天,他的事业几乎一败涂地。 他们不得不搬出豪华温暖的公寓,在市郊另租了一间简陋的房子。房内阴冷潮湿,一如他们当时的心...


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谁帮我写篇关于建国60周年的文章光辉的足迹 60年,光辉岁月弹指挥间,60年,中华大地沧桑巨变。2009年,我们伟大的祖国迎来了她的60岁生日。 1949年,中华人民共和国成立了!饱经战争沧桑与落后苦难的中国人民终于重新...

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帮我写篇英语作文This is Wen Zhou NO.1 middle school English broadcast.Let me tell you the content and time arrangedment.In our program,from Monday to Fiday,we will broadcast sc...

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